Tree Service – Landscaping your home with trees

When it comes to decorating your home with trees, there are many things to consider before digging your first hole. Although trees provide welcome shade and make your home more desirable, planting them in the wrong places can cause a lot of problems down the road. Sometimes it can amount to thousands of dollars in damages. It is also important to carefully consider what type of trees you want before purchasing.

Certain trees can’t grow in certain types of climates, so be sure to talk to a local nursery manager about those that do well in your area. Depending on the type of tree you buy, you will have to worry about its light conditions, water consumption and temperature limitations. Some types of trees are more difficult to grow than others and will require a lot of care. Remember which trees will drop unwanted large seeds in your yard or piles of leaves each fall. Consider how tall you want your trees to grow, as they may prove difficult to remove in the future.

Plan your new landscape on a sheet of graph paper before you buy your trees. Be sure to plant them away from underground pipes, structures, and power lines. If you plant large trees too close to your house, they can create cracks in the foundation, letting in a lot of water. The same goes for trees planted near sidewalks, streets, and driveways. On your graph paper, provide the proper dimensions and make sure your trees are far from any danger.

Purchase your trees from a nursery or greenhouse before you plant them. These trees are already at least a couple of feet tall and will most likely survive. It is extremely difficult to grow a tree directly from a seed, so it is better to buy one that has already started to grow, even if it costs a lot. Be sure to transport the trees properly so they are not damaged on the journey home.

Dig a hole that will fully contain the roots of the tree. Lower the tree in and support it in position. Backfill the hole with soil and create a mound around the trunk. Scoop out some of the dirt from the trunk so that it forms a crater. This causes the channels to flow into the new tree so it can grow more easily. Water the tree as many times as needed and watch it grow.

The best time to plant trees is in the spring so they have all summer to settle. Landscapers like to use mulch and gravel around trees to create a nice effect. If your tree is in the middle of your yard, you can try surrounding it with stones or bricks and filling it in with mulch or gravel to great effect. As the trees grow, they may start to lean to one side or the other. This is natural, but you can correct it if the tree is young enough. Tie the trunk with string to a grounded metal post a couple of feet away. After a year or two you can remove the rope and post, and the tree should have corrected itself. Few trees require pruning unless they are fruit trees, but be sure to do your tree research on the subject. It may be necessary in the next few years to cut off dead or damaged parts.

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