When is sex tantric sex? Tantra Simply Defined

Sex is not tantric in itself. Tantra is a quality that lives within each one of us. Tantra is the attitude and awareness that we can bring to each moment (whether we are “sexing”, dancing or texting).

To be tantric is to live our divine nature on the surface of our expression. It is an acceptance of what is, as well as an acceptance of the truth that is each moment. To live in tantra is to choose an opening to life that intertwines with every action, thought and emotion.

Tantra is not imparted, but awakens in our hearts, similar to how one candle lights another: an awakening of our own deep knowledge. Another way of talking about this is that we all know intuitively that the spark of the Divine is within us. The task, or Divine invitation, is to feel and express this truth on our surface. So when we take tantra to “sex”, now it’s tantric sex!

Developing a relationship with Source is not about who I am (my personality), but what I am. I am an eternal soul. And it’s not so much about what I do but how I choose to do it. Tantra accepts everything.

Some useful questions to help me align with who I am in my essence are as follows: Does this intention align me with my divine nature? Does this action serve or harm others? Am I choosing to open or close my heart? My understanding continues to grow as I examine my choices and see the effect of grace in my life. Understanding has a “leavening” effect on my life and my choices of expression.

By the way, I certainly don’t mean to imply that just being loving and “nice” is an acceptable expression of love. Tantra also welcomes the freedom to play in the shadow realms. We can feel connected, empowered, excited, and excited by playing on the edge of social and self-imposed norms. We don’t always have to be the ‘good girl’ or the ‘good boy’ to please our inner judge. In fact, other parts of us can get excited when the inner judge is on recess, so to speak!

I am no different from others, so what I believe and accept from myself, I also accept from others. To the extent that I see myself as an eternal soul, I see all people in true communion with me. When I realize my own shortcomings, I can accept that no one is perfect. This perspective helps me grow in compassion for myself and others. Tantra respects the sovereignty of the individual and allows consciousness to develop according to each person’s need and in their own time. We all share a common creator and a common home and perhaps a common destiny.

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