How to get unstuck and live your best life

“Success doesn’t come to you. You go to it.” marva collins

Are you stuck? Don’t know how to get unstuck?

This is what I mean by “stuck”. Stuck is where you are when you feel like you don’t know what to do next or now. Maybe you are stuck in a bad or unsatisfying job. Maybe you are stuck in a less than satisfying relationship. However, you could be stuck and not be able to start that book. You may find yourself stuck hanging around with the same negative or underachieving people day after day. Sometimes we get stuck in bad habits: overeating, smoking, excessive drinking, anger out of control, laziness, wasting time, lack of concentration, spending time on useless efforts, negative thoughts, etc.

Being stuck reflects your results. Your results are a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Your results reflect what you have done so far. Your results reflect how you act. Your results reflect who you allow to influence you.

Being stuck often reflects the habit of saying, “I’ll do it later” to just about anything and everything that would bring you closer to your goals.

Stuck happens.

You know how stuck it feels. You are not happy with your situation. You know it could be better. I bet you even tried to do better.


Let me share with you that being stuck is where you are when you haven’t passionately embraced your dreams and goals. Being trapped is like standing on the edge of the pool and constantly dipping your toe in the water, but never jumping out. Being passionate about your life is like running into the pool and doing a big belly turn right in the middle of the water. There is a pool so you can dive in and have fun. A life exists for the same reasons.

You may be stuck in a gray world without passion because you were raised to believe that passion is bad. Perhaps your friends make fun of anyone who is excited about life. (Certainly this was true of me in my early years.) Maybe you want to avoid embarrassment.

Being stuck is where you are when you don’t value every second of every minute of every day of the time you have available.

Another example of stagnation is when you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. (That is also known as insanity.)

Happy and fulfilled people are not stagnant.

In fact, let me flip the script. Once you get unstuck, your personal and professional happiness and level of achievement will accelerate.

Being stuck is not an option when you only have one life to live on this earth.

The time to detach is right now. Not later today. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. Disconnect right now.

How do you get off?


You make a decision. You make the decision that you will not waste another minute of your life without making progress toward your life goals. Your decision must be accompanied by a change of thought.

Change your way of thinking. Change your way of speaking. Change your way of acting.


You change your thinking and your actions and your way of speaking by asking yourself better questions. Here are some questions that can help you get unstuck and move toward your highest place.

How can I do it differently, smarter and faster?

How many ways can I get unstuck? (Develop a list. Now!)

What would you do if you knew what to do?

What do I want to achieve before leaving this life?

What kind of relationship would I like to have with my partner?

What do I want to do in my life?

What do I want to own that I don’t own?

How big do I want to be?

What would I do if I didn’t care what other people thought?

What would I do if I knew my parents would never find out?

What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?


My friend Les Brown told me the story of how after he had a failure in his life, he stopped and just parked his life. He was stuck wallowing in the disappointment he had experienced. He finally asked himself the right questions and came unstuck. Know this: you have to get your life out of the parking lot and into gear.


I have found that the best way to get better results is to ask others to give me feedback. But wait! The key to asking for help is Ask the right people to give you their opinion.. Don’t ask those who are also stuck. Don’t ask perennial losers. (Hey! Most people who are stuck hang out with people who achieve little.) I’m always amazed by women who come to me for advice on getting their relationship settled or building a great relationship, that they’ve been getting advice. from her friends who are not, or have never been, in a great relationship! That’s stupid. Do not ask for advice from people who have not been successful in the area in which you want to be successful.

The best people to ask are those who have achieved what you want to achieve. (Additional comment: I have found that people who have achieved what I want to achieve are almost overwhelmingly willing to give me advice that I can use.) Ask them what they do to achieve the success they have. Whatever the area of ​​achievement: losing and maintaining a healthy weight, saving money, effective parenting, writing a book, changing jobs, building a great relationship, getting promoted, setting and achieving goals, improving health, improving romance, etc – You can find those who are where you want to be. Over the years, I have taken the opportunity to get advice from Les Brown, Wally Amos, Zig Ziglar, Cheryl Broussard, Raleigh Pinskey, Dr. Joyce Morley-Ball, Dr. Dennis Kimbro, Army Generals, Olympians , Noted Entrepreneurs, John Pepper. , Al Dunlap, Bob McDonald and other CEOs of Fortune 100 companies. I was stupid enough to call these people out of the blue and ask their opinion. They all gave me tons of great advice, for free! Who can you call or write for advice? Do it now.


You will stay stuck as long as your network is full of people who are happily stuck or with negative attitudes. Get out of the crab barrel now! (A personal insight: If they’re not positive, they’re not in my life!)


When we say “yes” (or “yes”) we are moving towards our highest selves. When we follow up “yes” with “but,” we put a sticky, magnetic substance in our shoes that prevents us from moving on to our passion-filled best life. Saying “yes, but” is a horrible habit. Maximize your enthusiasm and lose your fear of the giant you were put here to become. When you do this, you will overwhelm “yes, but” and make “yes!” the center of your being. All winners are “yes!” people.

“All your life they tell you the things you can’t do. All your life they’ll say you’re not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they’ll say you’re the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or know this or achieve this. THEY’LL SAY NO….and you’ll say yes.” ~Nike Shopping

You were put here on this earth to live your best life. You were put here to do something special, to leave your unique mark. Unleash now!

Make the decision now to design and live the life you dream of.

Enjoy life!

I remember you DO You deserve to live a great life!

Darryl L. Mobley

“The Acceleration Trainer of Life”

PS: one last piece of advice. Are you afraid to go after your dream? Deal with it. The only way to develop courage to pursue your dreams is to act boldly until you feel brave. I call this, “fake it till you make it.”

“Your future is not the result of random decisions. Your future is a specific place that is created first in your mind and then created in your actions. The future is not where you go. Your future is the place you create.” ~ Darryl L Mobley

© 2008 Darryl L. Mobley

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