heal my broken heart god

As if I wasn’t good enough, he married someone else… without warning, he didn’t bother to let me know that he had decided to savagely betray me in the middle of my wedding preparations.

As if I weren’t good enough, he chose another, richer they say, as if money were what seals two hearts in the communion of marriage.

As if I weren’t good enough, on the eve of what I hoped would be a new life together as husband and wife, he outright lied to me, most likely cheated on me, and left me hanging with my shame and pain. Especially with my shame.

As if that wasn’t enough, he humiliated me and left me with a million unanswered questions.

As if that wasn’t good enough, as if he didn’t have a living heart that bleeds, he openly shared the event of his life on Facebook, posted photos of his wife and their rich wedding to let me know about his naughty act. .Online…

As if I weren’t good enough, he cowardly remained silent as I suffered, as I cried myself to sleep at night, as I prayed many times in the middle of the night with countless tears in my eyes and an invisible sword of betrayal piercing my heart. already hurt.

As if that wasn’t good enough, he left me on the battlefield of our “soon to die love”, dwelling in a river of bloody tears awaiting my “death”.

As if that wasn’t good enough, I allowed him to break my heart to pieces and for months I swam in an ocean of depression, regret, pain, shame, and guilt.

As if it wasn’t good enough… No wait… as if it were good enough, one day, I decided to heal my wounds, bear my scars, accept my defeat and get up.

I decided to carry my soul, my pain and embarked on the journey of healing myself, of discovering my own beauty with my own eyes, of allowing myself to BE, of loving myself whole and wholeheartedly, of appreciating myself because I AM more than good. Enough! You too.

Queen Mary Faye

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