Ethics for Nurses and Paralegals

Ethics is both personal and administrative. Your personal ethics can be a thing, while the ethics that must be followed according to the guidelines established by the American Nursing Association or for the National Association of ParalegalsIt may conflict with your own morality. However, you have a duty to follow these ethical guidelines if you want to keep your job and avoid being sued for negligence or violation of confidentiality provisions.

While this article focuses on medical and paralegal professionals, many of these principles are also highly relevant in any situation where you are dealing with someone’s private information. Here are my top 11 ways to avoid violating professional ethics guidelines:

1. To study- If you are a nurse, study the Ana Handbook. If you’re a paralegal, study the Postal Codeethics handbook. Also, study the individual company policies that were provided to him once he was hired by a company that was provided to him at orientation. What you don’t know can get you killed!

two. Don’t gossip: Customers will come to you with all kinds of embarrassing stories about their lives. Medical conditions, legal problems, histories of infidelity, infertility, and other stomach-churning scenarios will be commonplace in any area of ​​customer relationship. You must handle these scenarios with care. If you don’t want it shared with the public, it’s safe to assume your client won’t either. Practice empathy and put yourself in their shoes.

3. Be careful with eavesdropping: When you speak with a customer over the phone or in person, make sure these conversations take place in a quiet, secure, and private area. If these conversations are accidentally overheard by a third party, it could have negative consequences.

Four. Secure Documents: Any paperwork related to the company’s secrets or customer information should not be exposed to the view of passersby. Such documents should also be shredded, not crumpled up in a dumpster. Identity thieves and spies are everywhere. Don’t make your job easier by mishandling documents.

5. Do not manage actions without permission: Unless directed by a licensed physician or attorney, nurses and paralegals are NOT able to provide personalized diagnosis, legal advice, or administer treatment. Nurses and legal assistants must also refrain from taking measures when the client does not give their consent. Paralegals and nurses are “foot soldiers.” We must operate primarily by direct order, and we rarely act independently, and even when we do, we are closely monitored.

6. Avoid media: Going to the media regarding a client or the company for which he works without authorization is a great non-no. You risk defamation, disclosure of company trade secrets, and other legal consequences.

7. Don’t be a compliment: If you see your supervising doctor or attorney doing something seriously unethical or illegal, you have the right to speak up and file a report with the authorities. Do not become an achievement for illegal activity.

8. Think twice before you become a blush: Becoming a whistleblower or acting on your own because it “feels right” could go down in history as a brave hero and save lives, however it will not be without consequences. Acting outside of your assigned role, even if it saves a life, could still cost you your job or expose you to a negligence lawsuit or legal penalties. Before you try to become the next Edward Snowden, remember that there will be consequences.

9. To be up to date: Ethics guidelines are subject to change. Most nurses and paralegals are required or encouraged to attend higher education courses or “refresher courses.” These might serve you well so you don’t get out of the loop with current industry standards.

10 Pledge loyalty to your customer: Your job is to be an advocate for your client and an assistant to your superior. Accept this role fully! If you believe an alternative remedy is necessary, please notify your supervising physician or attorney. Do this away from the client to protect your supervisor’s honor and not undermine it. In addition, do not conspire or speak with any external force that can act against the interests of your client and/or employer. They are paying you for such loyalty. Any action that can be interpreted as “unfair” to the client or your employer could result in dismissal or demand.

eleven Swallow your pride: Legal attendees and nurses must be very careful when choosing a concentrated field or area that aligns with their conscience. If you can’t understand the defense of a murderer or thief, you may want to stay away from criminal law and try bankruptcy law instead. You can also request that they eliminate it from certain cases or refuse to work with certain clients who make him feel uncomfortable. However, no matter how much he tries to manage his career, he will ultimately be forced to take action that goes against his own personal beliefs. It is the nature of any business and something all employees must learn to accept. Do everything possible to minimize such circumstances, but also learn to justify such actions if it is absolutely necessary. Those who fail to rationalize their jobs will fall prey to alcoholism and other unhealthy coping methods if they don’t learn to cope naturally. Legal and doctors will greatly benefit from having a support system in friends and family.

The philosophy and administrative guidelines that govern the idea of ​​”ethics” can get very complicated. If you are not sure whether or not you can be violating your company’s ethics standards, it never hurts to ask!

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