Can truck auto insurance be less expensive?

As you probably know, insurance providers use quite a few factors to determine insurance premiums. Without a doubt, the make and model of your car play an important role. And that makes sense. It would not be sensible if all automobiles required the exact same amount of insurance coverage.

It is common sense to expect fast and exotic vehicles to be more expensive to insure. Larger engines make more horsepower, and as far as your insurance company is concerned, this means higher insurance premiums.

However, does this really mean that larger vehicles are generally more expensive to insure than smaller ones? The answer, believe it or not, is NO. Statistically, SUVs are more affordable to insure than many cars. You are most likely wondering why?

Well, there are two main reasons, both relevant to the type of road users who tend to own these types of vehicles. SUVs are usually family vehicles. It’s natural for moms and dads who take their kids to school or soccer practice to be more careful on the road. They tend not to drive at night or in bad weather conditions. What this means, of course, is that SUVs have a better “crash record” than other vehicles. A young driver is more likely to crash with a small, less powerful car than a mother driving an SUV on the way to the mall.

Insurance companies pay close attention to these statistics. If a certain make and model has a good accident history, its owners will take advantage of the cheaper insurance premiums.

One more reason SUVs cost less to insure is safety. Most family cars are packed with safety features, which is one of their main selling points.

A solid point of contention here is that SUVs aren’t really the greenest vehicles out there. It will not be a complete surprise if insurers begin offering discounted rates to “greener” vehicles in the very near future.

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