A small book with a big message

By now, most of you have read or heard about a best-selling book called “Heaven is for Real.” I was so impressed by this story about a little boy and his loving parents that I feel compelled to write about it. For those of you who don’t know, it’s about a four-year-old boy who almost died (perhaps did) of a ruptured appendix. While he is under anesthesia, he apparently experiences time in heaven.

There have been countless accounts of people telling stories of a beautiful light and meeting friends and family who have died before coming back to life.

What made this story special to me was the innocence of the boy, the evidence that it really happened, the anguish of the parents who lived through his suffering, and the lesson learned from the whole story.

In a previous column, I tried to explain why bad things happen to good people. One of the examples I used was how we should be as a child whose parents take him to a doctor where he undergoes frightening and sometimes painful procedures that make him question why his parents put him through what is ultimately for their own good. This child experienced excruciating pain and anxiety. He was only four years old and he couldn’t understand why. His parents in his love for him suffered with him and even questioned why God would subject this helpless child to terrible torture.

And yet out of this seemingly inexplicable series of events emerges a beautiful, bestselling book that is sure to boost the faith of thousands, if not millions, of people seeking hope and answers to their own questions. afflictions.

If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend it. If you have read it, let it be a guarantee that we are destined to go to a better place. Allow it to strengthen your own faith, and by all means, tell others.

It is a story that must be shared.

It is sad that there are so many apparently sophisticated books that are trivial and of little value.

It is also sad that there are so many skeptical and incredulous people. I have an open mind about everything. Having lived 84 years and counting leads me to believe that anything is possible.

This book is refreshing because it requires faith and the ability to resist narrow-mindedness.

read it. You don’t have to believe it.

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