6 Dynamic Questioning Techniques in Telesales to Create Relationship, Gather Information and Sell More

Interrogation techniques are an important topic in telemarketing. Questioning is effective because it allows you to guide the conversation, find vital information to close the sale, and build rapport while checking in on your prospect’s level of interest. Here are some dynamic questioning techniques that you can instantly apply to telemarketing to be more effective and compelling in your conversation with your prospect.

Technique 1: Information Gathering

This is the most important reason why we question. When you sell over the phone, you need to obtain vital information needed to close the sale. For example, let’s say you’re selling computers over the phone to a large corporate account. You want to know what your price range is for expenses. You can ask, “How was your IT spending last year?

Technique 2: Clarify information

When you receive information, sometimes you need to clarify it with your prospect. Use who, what, when, where, why or how questions. This is important because you can sometimes misunderstand what is being said.

Technique 3: Check the level of understanding and interest

Through your conversation with your prospect, you need to see if they understand what you said. This can be especially true when you are discussing something technical, you need to make sure what you are saying is understood.

For example: “From the Inco Terms I just described, do you think this would be right for your department?” You should also find out his level of interest in your offer, so you can adjust your message to address what is most relevant to him, for example, “What do you think about what we just discussed?”

Technique 4: Determine buying behavior

You need to have an idea of ​​how you would like to buy from your prospect. Is he honest and direct, or does he tend to keep his cards close to him? How decisive is he? Do you tend to be more spontaneous in decision making or more thorough and methodical? Different people have different strategies, so you have to adapt your strategy to theirs.

Technique 5: Gain participation

When you sell over the phone, you can’t see the person. And if you continue with a product dump, that is, simply reciting the benefits of your product, there is a high chance that your attention will drift and think of something else. You want to make sure he participates in your conversation. There are two advantages, first, people always like to have their views heard. Second, you can learn more about your prospect.

This always helps improve rapport and understanding between you and him, building better relationships in the process, for example, let’s say you were half talking and he was interrupted on his mobile, you can say, “Wow, you’re pretty busy, it’s incredible”. do so much in one day?” Give positive jabs by asking the right questions and it will help smooth out your interactions.

Technique 6: Increase receptivity to your idea

Here is a common observation, it is said that people like your idea better if it looks like it came from them. That means when you’re discussing things with your prospect, try to make sure he has a chance to tell you that things need to be done better, and then he’ll tell you. For example, let’s say you were selling insurance over the phone and your prospect didn’t have their own travel insurance. Ask, “You’re on a frequent flyer program and you travel out of season every month, do you think you might be at higher risk than others?”

These are 6 powerful questioning techniques you can use to be more effective and convincing in your phone sales, implement all of these and you will find exciting improvements in your results.

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