What you wear can have an effect on getting those civil, electrical or construction jobs

Did you know that 85 percent of communication is nonverbal during an interview, so the clothes you wear really need to give you the edge and put you in the best light? What is the best color of shirt or attire to wear to an interview for one of the civil engineering or electrical jobs you have applied for?

Color does matter, even if you’re taking on one of the construction jobs as part of a team. If you want to make a good first impression, look at the color of the outfit you can wear to the interview.

Blue – Twenty-three percent of hiring professionals said they preferred blue. Wearing different shades could help you land that civil engineering job or one of the open electrician jobs. Why wear blue? Inspire confidence, but be careful about wearing too much navy blue. It might make you seem a bit conservative.

Since electrician and construction jobs can be commercial jobs, you may want to wear more casual clothing to a job interview, such as collared shirt pants. If you’re going to an interview at a big company, add a jacket and tie. Above all, you should not forget to clean and shine your shoes!

Gray – It is the second most popular color to wear to an interview and can denote sophistication. Use this to your advantage when trying to win any civil engineering job. It can help the recruiter stay focused on what he has to say, so make sure you can sell yourself well in 30 seconds.

White – It can be one of the best shirt colors to wear if you are trying to land one of the civil engineering jobs that a recruiter has opened. This color means that a person is organized and you can use this to your advantage. It is a safe bet and also sends a message of simplicity, cleanliness and kindness.

Yellow, orange or purple – All these colors indicate that you are a very creative person and may not benefit you well when applying for construction or electrician jobs. They tend to say you’re fun and attention-grabbing, but you may not be engaged or on task. They’re fine with social hours or happy hour and even internal meetings, but you may not want to wear them for an interview.

Have you had an experience where what you were wearing got you a job? Does color really matter when applying for civil engineering jobs or other jobs? Strong Group is a leading provider of fully qualified professional staff for full-time and part-time vacancies in the regional area. They operate in construction, civil engineering, railways, oil and gas, power generation, HVAC, and mechanical and electrical building services in the commercial, retail, public, and industrial sectors.

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