What you can do if you don’t have a copper cooker hood in your kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home and as such the one room you want to keep clean at all times. It is also where all the food preparation takes place, therefore there is an increased risk of dangerous bacteria. Learning to deal with an open plan kitchen layout or a kitchen that leads directly into the living room without a copper extractor hood is something that will take some getting used to and you may need to open windows in the living room to release home. of smells when it comes to cooking some of the family’s favorite meals.

One of the options you can consider while planning to renovate your kitchen or while living in rented accommodation without a copper range hood is to open the kitchen window and use a fan to extract the air. Any desk fan will work, and when you’re cooking a meal that gives off a strong odor, point the fan out the window and turn it on full power. This will draw out steam and odors and push them out, leaving your kitchen and the rest of your home completely odor free.

Another great option is to invest in a portable air humidifier. Often, you will use the humidifier in the living room or bedroom to remove steam from the air and provide you with clean air. Most air humidifiers will also remove odors, depending on which one you buy. You can place this in the kitchen while cooking to reduce the risk of odors and steam reaching the rest of the house, making it difficult to dispose of for the rest of the night.

A great item to keep in your kitchen if you don’t have the convenience of a copper range hood is a grease splatter guard. You can buy these at most home supply stores and they look like a messy pan. They sit over the top of the pan when you’re preparing foods that can and will splatter, reducing grease buildup on kitchen walls and ceiling.

It’s important that if you don’t have a copper range hood in your kitchen, make sure you wash all cabinets and walls regularly. You’ll be surprised that while your walls look clean, a simple wipe will show you how much grime has accumulated through everyday cooking in general. Pick one a day a week where you deep clean your kitchen until you can install a copper range hood and enjoy the benefits it provides.

Always choose a washable paint for the kitchen. You want a paint that you can wash and scrub regularly, removing dirt and grime from your walls and ceiling at all times. The last thing to do when you don’t have a vent hood is to open windows in the near kitchen area while cooking. Most kitchens will have a window, but if it’s open plan, open the windows in the dining room and living room as well to ensure all odors are expelled quickly and effectively.

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