What is Freemasonry?

In the many years that I have been a member, I have always found it fascinating how people perceive the institution of Freemasonry. Some say it’s a club, others see it as philanthropy, but very few seem to understand the concept of fraternity. Also, when we research membership candidates, we usually ask them what they’re looking for, but rarely do people understand precisely what they’re joining. This is a compelling argument, one that I have debated on more than one occasion.

Some of our members see Freemasonry as nothing more than a club, such as a garden club, sports club, country club, etc., an institution that we join with some common activity or goal. Clubs are usually run by a set of officers who participate to receive some notoriety for their position. This, of course, leads to politics that involve back scratching, cheating, betraying, and besting a man. It is not uncommon to find people in these positions who have done nothing important in their professional life and now enjoy the opportunity to control others. In Freemasonry, we are taught that members are all equal in terms of position and opinion. Officers in a Lodge represent a web of duties and responsibilities designed to be implemented by many people, not just one, thus fostering teamwork and eliminating the need for autocratic rule.

There are those who see Freemasonry as a corporation. The problem here is that a corporation is designed to be profitable by nature, Freemasonry is not. True, there are advantages to running any institution as a business, particularly from the state which requires all organizations to function as such, but Freemasonry certainly has no mercenary goals other than the betterment of its members.

Despite the warnings of conspiracy theorists, Freemasonry does not preach dogmas or practice religion. A person must believe in a Supreme Being to become a Mason, but his choice of religion is his business, not that of the Masons. As such, it is not uncommon to sit in a Masonic Lodge with men of different faiths, thus promoting religious tolerance.

Freemasonry is not a Political Action Committee (PAC). To maintain harmony in the Lodge, politics and religion are two forbidden topics for discussion. Like religion, men of different political persuasions sit together in Lodge in harmony. In any case, Freemasonry promotes the concept of citizenship to the community and patriotism to the country. Those who break the law and believe in overthrowing the government by force are not allowed to become Masons. Freemasons are law-abiding citizens who are taught to use peaceful means to change the government if necessary. As such, Freemasons hope to become role models for the community.

Perhaps the biggest misconception is that Freemasonry is philanthropy. It is true that Masons give generously to help others in distress, but this is a peripheral goal. It is not intended to spend countless hours fundraising or extorting the Brothers for every available penny. Masons help others if it is within their ability to do so. Otherwise, there is no mandate in Freemasonry to do philanthropic work. If Freemasons spend more time on philanthropy than on fraternity, then they are subverting the intent of the institution.

Instead, Freemasonry is a fraternity; the original fraternity and the model for others that came much later, such as college fraternities. The term “fraternity” comes from the Latin word “frater”, which means “brother”. The fraternity, therefore, is a fraternity, an atmosphere of fellowship dedicated to the social development of its members. The basic principles of Freemasonry are “Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Love”. As such, it is designed to develop character, devotion, and encourage its members to lead honorable lives. Attending a Masonic Lodge meeting is intended to act as a fortress of solitude for its members, both local and visiting Masons, where they can come together and find solace away from the vermin and troubles of the world. It is a place where men seek understanding, compassion, and to be treated fairly and honestly.

Education is of great importance in a Masonic Lodge, where the Brethren reflect on past, present and future issues of morality, responsibility, compassion and civility. We refer to this as seeking “more light.”

Freemasonry, therefore, is not a club, a philanthropy, a religion, or a PAC. Using symbols from ancient operative Freemasonry, Freemasonry is a place where men meet “on the level” (to promote equality), act “by the plumb” (righteousness of conduct), and set off “square” (to practice morality). For many centuries, Freemasonry is the fraternity to which men of character have naturally gravitated, simply because they crave such easy dealings.

Those who think or practice Freemasonry otherwise are missing the boat.

Keep faith!

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Copyright © 2014 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.

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