What is dog training with positive reinforcement and without punishment? – How does it work?

Positive reinforcement, non-punishment dog training is the best way to elicit appropriate behaviors from your dog, in a positive way. Dogs learn by association, positive and negative. You, as the Alpha member of the pack, praise and reward them for appropriate behaviors. In doing so, they learn by association what behaviors “The Boss” likes. Your pet will continue this behavior until it becomes second nature. It’s no different than what we do as humans, seeking recognition and approval from our parents, bosses, teachers, spouses, and friends.

It is simple and natural. We humans have learned, whether at work, school or home, to be recognized and praised for our actions, all we have to do is do our best. To get that “high” of being noticed, we want to repeat that same behavior. Before we know it, we have created a good habit. We do it all the time for recognition, raises, and promotions…and so will the dogs!

In the past, dog training bordered dangerously on cruelty. The belief was that if the dogs were punished harshly enough, they would change their behavior. In some cases it worked. It also created serious behavior problems and very unhappy pets. The old-school practice created animals that responded out of fear, rather than the need to willingly please. Sometimes he created dogs that quickly responded inappropriately by separating from their owners, withdrawing, biting, or even biting badly.

Here are some examples of the difference between the old school method and the free method of punishment and positive reinforcement:

Dog floors in the house:

Old school method: a dog that littered the house would have its nose stuck in it. The thought of time… stick your nose in it enough times, and they’ll stop. In reality, the dog had no idea why his nose was caught in his poop. All they saw was that the person they considered their best friend was acting in a strange way, which created fear. The form of training often created dogs that did not come to their owners when called, because they were afraid of them, and also “taught” many dogs, they are supposed to eat their own feces…or else!

Positive Reinforcement Method, No Punishment: Have your puppy or dog follow a scheduled routine. Dogs feel a sense of security in routines. Feed them on time. Take them out on time… after they eat, after they wake up in the morning or from a nap, after they’ve played a lot around the house. GET THEM OUT!

Watch and learn their signs. Is your head down? Are they acting anxious? Are they spinning?

Every dog’s metabolism is different. Record the amount of time your puppy/dog needs between meals and elimination. Take them outside within 30 minutes of your limit. Not all dogs eliminate immediately after eating. It is your responsibility to learn your limit.

Praise and reward them when their behavior is appropriate!

Restrain or crate your puppy/dog when you cannot provide 100 percent supervision. Prevention is better than punishment.

The dog does not come when called:

Old school method: harshly punish the puppy/dog when he returns. Scolding or hitting a dog will only deter him from coming back to you. It doesn’t take more than once or twice to experience harsh or cruel punishment for a dog to associate coming back when called means pain. They will totally ignore the call or return in fear. It’s a terrible way to train your puppy/dog to come back to you when called. A fearful pet is a sad pet.

Positive Reinforcement, Non-Punishment Method: Always calmly praise your puppy/dog for coming back when called…even if it takes a few minutes. The general rule of thumb, the faster they come back, the more praise and the higher the reward. This method works, because your animal associates quickly by coming back to you when you call it, which means that you are glad to see it and that something special is waiting for it. Happy owner, happy dog!

So what do I do for a fix? Just ignore them! Inappropriate behavior must be ignored. Puppies and dogs HATE being ignored. They learn since they are in their litter, they are alone when their behavior is not appropriate. Play too hard; littermates want nothing to do with them. In the wild, packs ignore and often avoid members who don’t follow their rules. Before they know it, the one who defies all pack rules, is exiled and alone.

Try this simple exercise today and see how quickly your puppy or dog will learn positive reinforcement. At mealtime, give your pet a simple command like “Sit!” “Below!” or “Stay!”

If he responds right away, praise him and put the food on him. If they don’t respond right away; put the bowl on the counter, walk away; make yourself a cup of coffee. Come back in a couple of minutes and repeat the command. It won’t be long before your pet associates, “I do what you want and I get what I want.” Do this exercise a few times and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your pet makes the association. It’s win-win!

Then do it when you put the leash on him. Give the command. If he responds right away, we’re on the leash and it’s time for a fun ride. If they don’t respond immediately. Replace the strap. Walk away. Come back in a few minutes and calmly repeat the command. You may have to do it a few times… but they’ll catch on. They are teaming up the faster they respond to your command the faster they will go for a walk. That’s your reward!

Now you are ready, try it with a retreat. Call your dog by name; tell them to “Come on!” The faster they return to you, the more praise and rewards they will receive. They are associating good things that happen when they come back to you.

CONCLUSION: Positive reinforcement, training without punishment works! It is a win-win method. It makes the owner and the pet less stressed and much happier. Create positive associations and stronger bonds, which are not based on fear.

Rewards don’t always have to be treats. Wear anything that gets your puppy/dog highly motivated. For some it is a ball or a squeaky toy. For others, a fun game of “Fetch” is a wonderful motivator/reward. For those who love car rides…a quick trip, even if it’s just around the block, make them feel like they just won the lottery!

Find a local trainer who applies positive reinforcement, training without punishment. You will be surprised with the results!

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