What are environmental toxins?

Are there toxins in your environment?

Environmental toxins are poisonous, cancer-causing, man-made, naturally occurring chemicals that can harm us and have an unfavorable impact on the performance of the human immune system. Exposure can affect us at home, at work, at school, and in places we least expect.

Our body naturally produces different toxic waste through our metabolic process. We are created in such a way that the organs of the body are in charge of the waste process of the toxic activity. Our daily activities make us come into contact with toxins from our environment.

Nearly 6,000 new chemicals are indexed every week in the Chemical Society’s database, which amounts to more than 300,000 new chemicals a year.

The foods we consume on a daily basis are made up of toxins of all kinds, from colourings, preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, humectants and antimicrobials.

Toxins are known to poison enzymes and destroy structural minerals in the body, weakening bones and damaging vital organs like the kidneys and liver. Below is a list of environmental toxin compounds found all around us.

Benzopyrenes (food, fuel exhaust emissions, grilled foods)
Auto exhaust (carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene)
Lead (found in paint, water, old pipes, old houses, and soil)
Cigarette smoke (benzene, lead, arsenic, acetone)
EMF’s: electromagnetic fields that damage nerve cells (cell phones, computers and television screens)
Formaldehyde (preservatives, used in toners, paints, and building materials for computers and copiers)
Excitotoxins (common in food additives, noodles, monosodium glutamate, frozen foods, saccharin.
Aluminum (antiperspirants, skin creams, anti-dandruff shampoo, antacids, and some pots)
Mercury: Heavy metals, marine fish such as king mackerel and swordfish, crops exposed to pesticides, garbage incinerators, and some vaccines.
Volatile organic compounds (adhesives, thinners,
Acetaminophen (non-aspirin pain reliever)
Pesticides and herbicides used on growing crops
Cadmium (used to make batteries, insecticides, and plastics)
Household cleaners (acetones and benzenes)
Nitrosamines (smoked and treated foods, hot dogs, corn beef, etc.)
Aromatic hydrocarbons (fuels, solvents)
PFCs: perfluorinated chemicals (non-stick cookware, non-staining carpets)
Carcinogens (chemicals used in asbestos, vinyl chloride for plastics)
Acetone (car exhaust and industrial emissions)
Radiation (microwaves, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation from the sun
Perchloroethane (used as a solvent in dry cleaning)
Used chlorine and chloroform in swimming pools and released from a hot shower.
Aflatoxins (from rotten and dirty nuts)
Exposure to dangerous environmental toxins like lead, mercury, and pesticides can negatively affect:

Protect yourself and your family from environmental toxins with the following tips:

Reduce the use of plastic containers that are recycled.
Avoid nail polish, perfumes, colognes, and other scented products that include phthalates as active compounds.
Do not microwave plastic food containers.
Use glass bottles for your baby.
Limit consumption of canned foods.
Trim the ends of vegetables like lettuce and cabbage before eating.
Buy vegetables from a trusted source.
Peel and cook the vegetables.
Eating a wide range of vegetables limits exposure to a particular type of pesticide.

An awareness of what is beneficial to you is just what you need to stay healthy. Health care is not cheap, so it is appropriate to find all the information we can to keep ourselves and our household members safe. I hope you find this article beneficial.

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