Using fallen angels to correct injustice

Have you been harmed and do you want justice?

This is an interesting situation to be in because we don’t always know how to react to people who hurt us.

How the hell do you know that saying or doing something is enough to get back at them?

What if you didn’t have to do anything to get back at them?

This is the key to correcting injustice through spirits like fallen angels. They don’t like evil actions or people, and they like to restore justice in very unique ways.

It’s not even a joke that they sometimes restore justice without being asked by humans. It’s very funny that they often follow our intentions to pull out little bits of revenge just so bad people don’t get away with the horrible things they do.

But here we will see how crazy the powers of the fallen angels really get.

It’s not what you think at all, and it’s crazy that some people didn’t think we could work with them.

They are called fallen angels by accident; They are the rougher side of normal angels.

Don’t think of them as separate entities; they want to be known as the negative side of the 72 regular angels.

Most people in the occult have no idea that is the case, but most do not work with spirits like me.

Now they want to work with us more and want to hear exactly what you have to say. They want to hear your side of the story as few would ever before.

Without further ado, let’s go:

Lavel – Creates deep sadness and torment.

When someone nasty inflicts this on others, they bounce back and they feel deep pain, torment, and regret. An apology is a must, but if that doesn’t happen your lesson just deepens and turns into a very nasty fall.

Vesheriah – push enemies into seemingly unfair situations.

Curious power that pushes enemies into situations that probably seem very unfair to them. Somewhat mild punishment that forces them to discover small and medium life lessons through pain and discomfort.

Melahel – Brings illness and injury.

It makes those who constantly wish ill will on others to get sick and hurt in crazy ways. It brings the evil deep sickness that persists and does not go away easily.

Rehoel – Deplete an enemy and cause mental confusion.

Crazy attack that takes away their energy (giving it to you) and causes deep confusion. They are only able to focus on past lessons that they have yet to assimilate and it can cause a torturous feeling that they will not get ahead without first admitting they were wrong.

These are all very specific pernicious attacks that actually restore justice.

If you are thinking of using one of these spirits, they will likely bring it in to help you fix your situation. Literally speaking, they are telling you that it is okay to seek their help to figure things out so that “they” don’t get away with it.

This is a unique situation because most people do not even consider fallen angels when they think of taking revenge on others.

This also brings up an interesting point: are we really taking revenge when we use spirits like fallen angels to correct our situations?

They don’t really see it as revenge. It’s more like cosmic justice.

You are telling the universe that you acknowledge some wrong that was done against you, and now you are reclaiming your power and using spirits to help do that. You’re accepting the fact that you have a right to protect yourself, and now all those nasty things thrown at you are being fought back.

What if you don’t know what kind of damage you want to inflict on your enemy?

There is a very curious angel ready for that:

Vevaliah – Destroy enemies completely

If your enemy just needs to be completely defeated, Vevaliah is perfect. He will find all the ways to punish and discipline the enemy to submit, causing them to turn away, turn away and die reborn. Very powerful attack that really packs a punch. Destruction occurs uniquely for each enemy.

This is the perfect fallen angel with the best powers if you really don’t know how to solve your situation.

Do you understand now how these angels can help you?

These angels are serious and not in a playful way either.

If they are pushing you, you probably have a situation where they can help you. Please don’t ignore those shoves. They are trying to help and you will feel 10 times better once you know justice has been restored.

You don’t know how awesome it feels to know that some nasty shitty enemy has fallen until you’ve seen it happen. Sometimes it can be a bit comical to see them try to avoid their lessons at all costs, which is a very reckless move on the part of very foolish people, otherwise they would not have done what they did to us.

Are you willing to correct the injustice with the fallen angels?

They are much more willing to work with you than most people realize.

All you have to do is ask and contact them.

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