Types of Headache and its Treatment with Ayurveda

The headache is known as Shiro Roga in Ayurveda. It literally means ‘head disease’. Headache is not a single type of disorder; but it is a name given to various problems of the head. There are 11 types of headache in Ayurveda. They can be caused due to a varied number of causes. Some of them are:-
– Trauma

– Inflammation of the meninges

– Encephalitis

– Brain abscess

– migraine

– Hypertension

– Cerebral haemorrhage

– Vasodilator drugs

– Alcoholic hangover

In addition to these, there are several other factors, such as fevers, metabolic disorders, and diseases of the eyes, ears, and nose, that can cause headaches.

Although pain is effectively a disturbance of the vata dosha, disturbance of the pitta and kapha doshas can also cause headaches. The main symptoms of the three different doshic types of headaches are:-

1. Vata Type of Headache: The pain is intermittent, ie hammering type. There is constipation, insomnia and depression. These pains are aggravated by mental tensions.

2. Pitta type of headache: The pain is usually felt in the middle of the head. It is accompanied by a burning sensation and tearing in the eyes. The person is generally afraid of light.

(1) Useful Herbs in Headache Treatment

1. Betel (Piper betle)

Betel leaves have analgesic and cooling properties. When you apply a paste of them to the center of the headache, you get immediate relief.

2. Bishop’s weed (Trachyspermum ammi)

Bishop’s weed can keep severe headaches away. It is most effective on headaches that occur due to migraine. Vapors from burning bishop’s weed seeds are used for treatment. These vapors are smoked or the seeds are smelled directly.

3. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

The scent of cloves has a calming effect on headaches. It can calm the nerves and return it to a peaceful state.

4. Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic has almost miraculous properties to relieve headaches, whatever they are. Its juice slowly permeates the head region and acts as a pain reliever.

5. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger has analgesic properties. Due to this property, it is used as an external application on the affected head region. This relieves the headache.

6. Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

Henna flowers have the ability to reduce headaches if they are caused by excessive heat. Henna flowers are applied externally to the head with vinegar to get the desired results.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Headache

Mild, sweet flavors are better for relieving headaches than other flavors. When there is a headache, consuming a sweet preparation or even a spoonful of sugar helps.

Milk and ghee are also beneficial for headaches. Anyway, the milk of a cow should be warmed up and taken when there is a headache.

Rice is the preferred carbohydrate to take in times of headache. The water left after cooking the rice should be taken when hot, with a dash of ghee added.

Spicy and fried foods should be avoided when there is a headache.

(3) Ayurvedic treatment for headache

Since there are many different types of headaches, there are different treatments for them in Ayurveda. Ayurveda does not treat all headaches uniformly. The following are the different treatments prescribed:-

1. If the headache is of the vata type, Triphala choorna is first prescribed to cleanse the digestive system. Then Shirashooladivajra rasa should be taken, or Mahavata Vidhwansana rasa should be taken twice a day in a dose of 125 milligrams in lukewarm water.

2. If the headache is of the pitta type, then amalaki is prescribed, or Triphala containing amalaki can also be given. Half a gram of Shatavari should be taken twice a day for one month.

3. If the headache is of the kapha type, then anu taila is applied first to clear the nostrils. Drugs such as Shoola Gajakesari rasa are then administered at a dosage of 125 milligrams three to four times a day.

(4) Home medicines

A. Prepare a paste of cloves and salt crystals in milk. The main healing ingredient in this is salt, which being hygroscopic absorbs fluids from the head and decreases tension.

b. Early in the morning, after waking up, brush an apple with salt and eat it. After that, drink some warm water or milk. Continuing this for ten days will reduce the problem of continuous headaches.

against Peel a piece of garlic. Put it in your mouth and chew it lightly. Let its juices spread around the mouth region and up onto the head. Keep chewing the garlic gently and allow the juices to soak through. In a few minutes the headache would be gone. This treatment works for even the most persistent headaches.

d. For headaches caused by common colds, drinking a decoction of coriander and sugar helps tremendously. Another method to get rid of common cold related headaches is to place both feet in warm water for about half an hour.

my. For headaches caused by excessive gas in the stomach, drinking a glass of warm water with a freshly squeezed lemon reduces the headache and gas problem.

F. Grind some cinnamon and make a paste with water. Apply this on the head. This reduces headaches.

gram. Soak some almonds in water overnight. In the morning, mash them into a paste and heat slightly in ghee. Mix this in water and drink. This helps in treating headaches that have been going on for a long time.

H. Drinking a glass of water in which jaggery has been mixed helps reduce headaches.

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