Top 5 Baby Swaddling Mistakes You Want to Avoid

Diapers have been shown to be beneficial not only for newborn babies but also for parents. This practice makes babies calm down and behave well, requiring less attention; therefore, parents or babysitters are not scared or stressed. It makes the whole breeding process smooth, especially for novices.

Are you a new mom eager to swaddle your child but need some guidance on how to do it right? Here are some of the diaper mistakes some parents make so she can avoid them.

Don’t wrap your babies in a blanket twice.

In other words, only use one swaddling blanket and not two. Folding the blanket induces more heat which can be dangerous to your newborn’s body. Overheating has been specifically associated with sudden infant death syndrome. Look for signs like excessive sweating or wet hair. Fortunately, today there are swaddling blankets made specifically to be comfortable and safe.

Do not use loose or too tight blankets.

Otherwise, the blanket may strangle your newborn or cause hip problems. A loose or tight blanket will also defeat the purpose of swaddling as it does not hold your child securely but rather comfortably. So make sure you find one that perfectly fits your baby’s size. You can do this by getting your baby’s measurement first before buying one.

Don’t put your babies’ hands to the sides.

Doing this not only restricts the newborn’s movement, but can also lead to joint pain. To make your babies feel well protected and comfortable, put your hands over their hearts. This makes them feel like they are in control of the situation; thus, making them calm and well-behaved.

Do not let babies sleep on their stomachs.

This position not only restricts your air intake but also induces overheating. You have to position the babies comfortably, making sure they have good air circulation. Sleeping on your stomach can result in poor posture, so make sure you’re lying on your back. You don’t want your baby to develop a hunched posture.

Don’t swaddle your babies when they start rolling.

Babies naturally reach that stage where they like to roll or crawl. These are already big moves so your hands should be free at all times. Diapers may not be good at this stage as the blanket can strangle them as they know how to move big and wide. They may even already know how to remove the blanket. Most parents stop swaddling when their child is 5 or 6 months old to make way for other motor development.

Do not wrap them in all day.

Your babies need to develop other skills too, so give them the freedom to move around their crib or bed at any time of the day. Let them feel their surroundings and see how they can use their body.

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