The Zambezi River: Zambia’s Best Safari

The Zambezi is the fourth largest river in Africa; flowing for about 3000 km through central Africa. The river comes from a small stream in the upper northwest corner of Zambia and then flows through Angola and borders Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe before finally flowing through Mozambique where it empties into the Indian Ocean via a delta.

The Zambezi River ebbs and flows depending on the season. If there are prolonged rains, the river rises and overflows in particular areas, displacing thousands of people. On the other hand, if it does not rain, the waters recede. The river is divided into three sections; the Upper Zambezi, the Middle Zambezi, and the Lower Zambezi.

Although the river has much to offer with every square kilometer it traverses, it is at its best in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Perhaps the most spectacular feature along the Zambezi is the magnificent Victoria Falls. Known locally as “Mosi-oa-Tunya” (the smoke that thunders), Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The deafening roar of the falls as millions of gallons of water cascade down its rocky cliff can be heard meters away. A shimmering blanket of mist rises from the falling water, making the sight even more enchanting.

The best time to tour the falls is during the winter dry season, which runs from July to August. Around the rainy season, the blanket of fog becomes so thick that it makes it impossible to see the falls. The peak of the dry season is also not the best because the falls are dullest during this time. If you wish, you can take a helicopter ride and get a panoramic view of the falls. However, most people prefer the experience from the ground, where they can feel the spray from the falls on their faces. If you plan on viewing the falls from the ground, bring a raincoat as you are bound to get soaked, however most people love this.

Not far from the falls is the great Victoria Falls Bridge. The bridge is a treasured piece of fine architecture linking Zambia and Zimbabwe while providing a sweeping view of the Zambezi and adjacent rainforests. The most popular activity on the bridge is bungee jumping. The drop is 111 meters long, making it the second longest bungee distance in the world. Other notable sights along the Zambezi include the expansive Kariba and Cahora Bassa dams.

The Kariba dam in Zambia has a vast extension of 300 km. The Cahora Bassa dam is located in Mozambique and is 20 km smaller than Kariba, making it 280 km wide. Both dykes are deep and quite popular for sport fishing activities. You can choose whether to fish from the shore or head out on the water in a canoe. The most common fish in these areas are tiger fish, which can grow up to 10 kg, sea bream, and sea bream, among others.

In addition to fishing, the dams also provide the local community with enough water to irrigate those who practice agriculture along the river. Dams are also a source of hydroelectric power. The Kariba Dam supplies power to Zambia and Zimbabwe, while the Cahora Bassa Dam supplies power to both Mozambique and South Africa.

There are a number of game parks and reserves spread across the Zambezi offering some of the best safaris in Africa. The most popular include Zambezi National Park, Victoria Falls National Park, Mana Pools Park, and Wide Horizons Elephant Camp. Here, visitors can observe a wide variety of wild animals along safaris or in fenced and controlled reserves. The activity for which the Zambezi is world famous is its hectic whitewater rafting expeditions. The Zambezi River’s rocky beds and steep, raging terrain, as well as pressure pools, provide an excellent flowing fringe for the exhilarating rapids.

The Zambezi rapids have been rated grade five meaning they are very difficult to negotiate, very fast, violent and unpredictable as there is no clear pattern that a negotiator can get used to so every trip is different next’s. The rapids are also popular because they have little bare rock which allays injury fears, allowing kayakers to get the most out of the experience.

There is a wide variety of hotels and lodges to choose from along the Zambezi. They range from camping cabins with outdoor tents and mattresses to luxurious five-star hotels. Whichever you choose, they all promise different adventures that are sure to make your stay memorable. Some of the most popular hotels and hostels include; the Royal Livingstone Hotel, the Tongabezi Lodge and the Thorn Tree Lodge in Victoria Falls. Mwambashi River Lodge, Kasaka River Lodge and Mtondo River Camp are good options for those who want to be close to the river and around wild game. And for those who want to spend their days fishing in Lake Kariba, Chete Island luxury tented safari accommodation and Chikanka Island hotel would be good options for you.

There are a number of towns and settlements along the Zambezi River. The main ones include; Katima Mulilo in Namibia, Mongu, Lukulu and Livingstone in Zambia, Victoria Falls and Kariba in Zimbabwe, and finally Songo and Tete in Mozambique. Interestingly, more than 70 different languages ​​are spoken by the people along the Zambezi. Most of these natives depend on the Zambezi for their livelihood and have a fascinating culture and unique practices. The Bundu people of Zambia, for example, believe that there is a living spirit called Nyaminyami in the river. They believe that the spirit offers them protection and therefore regularly perform rituals on the river bank to appease the spirit.

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