The ISFP Marketing Profile: Feeling/Feeling/Perceiving Introverts as Marketers

Have you ever been told by an expert that you “must” market a certain way and cringed because that marketing technique felt alien to your personality? For some business owners and entrepreneurs, such an incident is so vivid in their memory that they decided that marketing is alien to them too.

My approach is different. I give you permission to disregard any marketing method that feels uncomfortable or contrary to the way you normally operate in the world. I encourage you to replace those “musts” with marketing vehicles that better fit who you are. That way, you can engage in marketing with pleasure and efficiency.

To discover your comfortable marketing style, take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. If you feel a significant disconnect between your personality and marketing, you’re probably an introvert, someone who recharges on their own and feels drained when they’re too close to other people. (Extroverts, by contrast, feel drained and restless when they’re alone and recharge with other people.)

In the Myers-Briggs personality system, an ISFP (Introverted Sensing/Sensing/Perceiving) is calm, friendly, sensitive, and kind. They have an artistic sensibility, tend to live in the moment, and usually keep their feelings to themselves. For something to hold their attention and engagement, an ISFP must be emotionally engaged. His talents generally involve the senses or movement.

According to personality watchers, prominent ISFPs include Marilyn Monroe, Brooke Shields, Donald Trump, Fred Astaire, Michael Jackson, Yogi Berra, Harry Potter, Richard Branson, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Steven Spielberg, Paul McCartney, Barbra Streisand, Cher, the cartoon character Charlie Brown, and Saint Francis of Assisi.

If the Myers-Briggs test reveals that you are an ISFP, you enjoy spontaneity, handle practical matters well, need a degree of solitude, and make decisions using your feelings as a guide. To the extent that marketing involves routines and rules, you will feel caged and uncomfortable with it. Instead, allow yourself to gravitate toward marketing tactics that fit your love of freedom and a vibrant life, such as:

Publish a video, photography or audio blog that highlights sensations and points of view about them.

Being interviewed on TV, radio, teleseminars, or in person, where you can colorfully explain things or even demonstrate for the audience.

Cultivate referral sources who value your talents

Meet with potential and actual clients in person instead of by phone or email

Attract followers on Facebook and Twitter

Create events where people can experience what you have to offer.

Hosting business-related parties that become known for unusual food, decorations, atmosphere, or entertainment

Send short, fresh updates to subscribers whenever you want (not on a set schedule)

As an ISFP, avoid marketing projects that include a heavy emphasis on data, detail, or analysis, as well as complicated projects that require precise coordination with others. You don’t multitask, so be content to do things one at a time. You also don’t get along with the fast “Type A” gifted, preferring to work at a measured or even leisurely pace. Since you are sensitive to criticism, avoid situations where you open yourself up to comments from those who don’t care about you.

You may find greater or easier success with the help of an empathetic coach who helps you recognize, value, and express your talents.

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