The biggest speed dating mistake singles make and how to avoid it

The biggest mistake singles make at a speed dating event is forgetting to have fun. People tend to get stressed out by the fast pace and take the whole thing too seriously, which can be a huge turnoff.

Do your best to relax and remember that you are there first and foremost to have fun. It is by relaxing and having a good time that her true self will shine through and allow her to make her best impression.

It’s natural to be a little nervous beforehand, but once things get going, you’ll be so busy meeting new people and having fun that you won’t have time to think about it.

Things you can do ahead of time to prepare

The best way to overcome your fear is to know what to expect. Read an article or two on what it’s like, talk to friends who have done it before. Learn about the types of questions being asked and prepare some answers in advance. There’s no reason you need to be spontaneous at one of these events. Find out what questions people tend to ask and prepare an answer for each common question. Then rehearse your answers a bit!

Know what each question is trying to ask.

Give an example from your life for each one, such as how you reacted when you broke up with your last partner. Or how you resolved an argument with a friend or loved one. Most of the questions, if not all, are geared towards finding out an important aspect of your personality. For example, if you can resolve anger without resentment, or if you can deal with an emotional situation without breaking down, etc. Know what underlying character trait is asking each question, and be prepared to offer the goods!

Stress Reduction 101

Use other methods to reduce stress beforehand, such as listening to relaxing music or meditating. You don’t have to be a guru to meditate! Just sit quietly for a few minutes beforehand and take a deep breath or two. Let the air out slowly. Try to clear your mind of all thoughts and worries. I know it’s hard to do, but see if you can for just a minute or two. You will naturally feel much less stressed afterward.

Thing that must not be done!

Don’t take sedatives. or drink to excess beforehand, as that will guarantee that you will make a terrible first impression with everyone present. Have a drink if you feel like it, but no more than that! As the event progresses, you may want to take another one.

Drink water or tea instead of an alcoholic beverage. Remember that you only have about 90 minutes to meet with 10-15 people, so you won’t have much time to drink. If you go to the bar after every 6-minute date, you’ll have plenty of time to drink at the bar afterwards.

Get enough sleep. If you party the night before and stay late, you won’t be able to perform at your best. As the name suggests, speed dating is a fast-paced event. You will need to have all your wits about you to make a good impression.

dress for success

Be neat and have a well-groomed appearance. People naturally look more successful and impressive when they dress well. That doesn’t mean you have to wear an evening gown or a three-piece suit! Dress semi-formal or business casual, that way you won’t stand out for being overdressed or underdressed for the occasion.

Take a (trusted) friend with you

This is a great way to reduce pressure as you will have a built-in security blanket. However, friendships can get a little tense and competitive over romance. The best way to avoid this is to bring a friend of the opposite sex. Someone you like but are not romantically involved with.

act natural

Try to be yourself and act like you normally do. Don’t act to try to impress people; It will probably come out as false. And even if you do cheat on someone, how long will it be before they realize that the person they met at the speed dating event wasn’t really you, but someone else?

First of all, have fun!

Speed ​​dating is a fast and fun way to meet a large number of people in a short amount of time. It allows you to get out of your own social network and make new friends, acquaintances, and possibly your next romantic interest. When you go to your first speed dating event, make it your main goal to have fun and meet lots of new people. That way, no matter what, your evening will be a success!

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