Six ways to stay positive when your emotions are low

Have you ever wondered how some people always seem to be happy? You wonder how they do it? What do they have that I don’t? I think some people are naturally happy people. This may be due to the environment in which they grew up. I also believe that even in the best families there are challenges to the emotional support that allows us to be who we want to be. We all suffer from mood swings. Moods that appear as a result of recent events, both happy and sad. The moods we remember the most are the ones that depress us. We have a tendency to slip back into limiting beliefs about ourselves at times like this. We need to be cognitive about these negative emotions. Our friends and business associates sense and feel these negative feelings and will have a tendency to withdraw. Then, as a result, you became even more immersed in these negative emotions. It can be a vicious circle.

How many times in your life have you heard a friend or business associate say, “I’m on a roll right now”? I hope you have said it many times yourself. Pretty fast-paced sensations, right? So how can we stay upbeat so we can lead a happy and productive life?

  1. Start a gratitude journal. I personally have one. He starts his day by writing down all the things he is thankful for in his life. This will help push back any negative feelings that may creep into your day.
  2. Start your day with a quiet moment. Get up half an hour before the rest of the family. This can be your time to read and plan your day without the distraction of others. We all need time for ourselves. It is a time when we can be proactive in our thoughts and not reactive. It’s about staying in control of our thoughts and emotions.
  3. Take the time to get some exercise. I walk about 20 miles a week. In fact, I record my walks in my journal. I don’t have my iPod. It is a time to reflect without distractions. It’s a great way to get away from frustrations. It’s also a great way to keep your blood pressure down.
  4. The morning news on the radio or television is always full of negative information. I personally get my news from the Internet or a newspaper. I choose the news I want to read. With Radio and TV the news is what they want to tell you. Think about it. They are not broadcasting good things. Why start the day that way?
  5. Tell your family and friends that you love them. Go one step further. Tell them why you love them. When was the last time a loved one barked at you after you told them you loved them?
  6. Work to gain an abundance mindset. These two books will help you get to this space. Go and buy the book. “Chicken Soup for the Soul” by Jack Canfield. I suggest you also purchase and read, “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff” by Dr. Richard Carlson. You will feel blessed by all that you have. Better yet, you will come to understand that abundance is in endless supply.

We all have abundance and so many wonderful things in our lives. It is human nature that we tend to focus on what is not going our way. We fight to fix what is wrong in our lives. Build on getting more of what is good in our lives as opposed to trying to fix what we perceive as a problem. One of my favorite sayings is from Mark Twain. “I spent much of my life worrying about things that never happened” There is more abundance on this planet than we could ever imagine. Use an abundance mindset to your advantage. Accept these feelings to stay in a positive frame of mind. The most important of all. Remember to smile. It’s contagious.

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