Sexually seducing a man – Accused of being irresistibly attractive to men

Almost every woman at one point or another has been accused of sexually seducing a man, even when they did nothing more than smile at a man. Next, we examine at what point seducing men merges with men they seduce sexually, or are men simply defending themselves against their eternal carnal foibles?

Definition of seduction.

Seduction can be defined as the act of persuading, inducing, or seducing a person into committing an act, often of a sexual nature, through the manipulation or otherwise of curiosity, desire, and fear, all in an attempt to attract the person or influence his behavior. .

In the old days, the word implied to lead someone astray, exemplified when a woman lured a man into a sexual relationship. However, in current usage, seduction is often used more broadly as similar to the act of enchanting someone, whether male or female, by appealing to the senses.

The story of seduction

Seducing a man is not something new. According to tradition, the biblical Eve was a classic seductress who induced Adam to eat the forbidden fruit; Sampson’s brain was also scrambled by the subtle vampiric seduction, Delilah, eventually leading to his downfall; the sirens of Greek mythology lured sailors to their deaths using symbolically feminine wiles; and Cleopatra from about 40 B.C. C. Egypt was famous for her ability to seduce very powerful men like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, whom she deceived and wrapped around her elegant fingers. The list is endless.

But the question is, were each of these women simply seducing a man or were they sexually seducing a man? And if they were, what were their goals? Did they achieve those objectives? That’s the interesting part.

That a woman is sexually seducing a man is a sexist accusation

We are going to look at this topic of seduction purely from the female perspective. You can call it being sexist, but there seems to have been an unspoken element of sexism around the issue of seduction. Let me explain that to you.

Have you ever noticed that while a man is only accused of “seducing a woman”, a woman in the same circumstance is always accused of “sexually seducing a man”? I wonder what is the reason for that.

Closer observation will show that whenever the word seduction is mentioned, most people jump to the conclusion that a woman must have been “caught” sexually seducing a man, even without knowing if it was a man she was doing. seducing.

Additionally, the term seductress has been defined “partly” as a generally unscrupulous woman who seduces or exploits men, and has earned the following inglorious nicknames: vixen, sorceress, femme fatale, mermaid [some even say sex siren], temptress, flirt, vampire, bitch or even witch! At some point, you might be forgiven for starting to wonder if men are ever guilty of seduction.

Reasons why women seduce men

Women have always known ways to seduce a man, and they have their reasons, the main one being to make him do what they want, whatever it is. But really, women hardly need reasons, as a man’s apparent weakness at seeing an attractive woman makes it all too easy for a woman to put them under her spell and get exactly what she wants without using the powers of seduction. of a vampire. .

So it goes without saying that if a woman learns how to be irresistibly attractive to men, she would have no need to learn ways to seduce men as men will queue up for her attention. She will simply use her feminine body language to attract men.

Women want to be noticed, appreciated, and heard, and most men just don’t seem to get it. The simple thing is to distract them with the power of feminism, which can be subtle in execution but devastating in effectiveness. It could be a sweet smile or a slight wave of graceful arms.

Seducing a man is relatively easy for women. This is because, historically, men tend to place a significantly higher value on the physical appearance of a partner than women.

Therefore, it is a simple matter of a woman becoming irresistibly attractive and using a slight body movement to win over any man. It’s just one of the ways to seduce a man, and the man is left to control her imagination of what she could be, or let her run wild.

From the above, it would be unfair to say that a woman was sexually seducing a man just because she made herself so irresistibly attractive that men swooned over her. Yes, it is possible that she planned to attract a particular man and in the process she made herself as attractive as she could. The effect she has on any man is not her fault. Or is that it?

All men like to be seen as important and appreciated by women. Therefore, it is normal to see most men fall for seduction. It is a weapon that every woman is gifted with in order to attract any man of her choosing and make him her slave. It doesn’t have to be sexual.

Seducing a man is something normal that every woman does. The only rule here is that every woman should strive not to let people get the impression that she is blatantly sexually seducing a man by not going overboard. Otherwise, they will give credence to the medieval thoughts and beliefs of the infamous Casanova, who wrote that “there is no honest woman with an uncorruptible heart… After all, a beautiful woman without a mind of her own leaves her lover no recourse.” “. after having physically enjoyed her charms”

I don’t think any woman is that base.

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