Potty Training Kids: Is It Easy?

Potty training plays an important role in your child’s development and it is important that you start potty training when you feel your child is ready for it. Forcing or starting potty training too soon can do more harm than good because fear of failure will keep your child from being comfortable with the idea of ​​using the toilet. Most parents begin potty training once their children reach the age of 18 to 20 months, however, there is no hard and fast rule that potty training should begin at this age. Look for visible signs in your child’s behavior to judge if he is ready or not, if he is not ready to take the step, give him more time to adapt to this new concept of going to the bathroom. Potty training should be a pleasurable experience for the child, and if it isn’t, it will take him longer to get used to the basics than other children. The best way to get your child to learn the basics of using a toilet is to let him follow your role model to the toilet, and if that’s not possible, be sure to show him some animated videos so he can mimic the procedure. .

Videos and imitation play an important role in potty training children, as children learn faster when they see someone else doing the acts and then try to do the exact same thing. Initially, your child may not get things right, but this certainly doesn’t require punishment. Instead, she should encourage him to get it right the next time she tries it. When you start potty training with your child, it is important that you get a small toy potty or baby toilet seat that can be attached to the toilet seat in your bathroom. It will make it a personalized affair for your child and you will have a sense of ownership and pride in having her personal toilet seat. If you buy a detachable baby toilet seat for your child, don’t forget to position and secure it properly on the toilet seat because you don’t want your child to slip or get hurt during the potty training process. Accidents from this spell can have a negative effect on all the hard work you might have put into training your child.

Potty training is a long and time-consuming process and will require you to do the same things over and over for several months before you decide to go to the next level, so be prepared to go that distance. Once you feel that your child is comfortable using the toilet in the sitting position, it is time to move on to the next step and teach him to use the toilet to urinate in the standing position. Many people believe that potty training boys takes longer than girls. However, one reason could be that boys need to learn two methods of using the toilet versus one method that girls need to learn, so it takes them longer than girls.

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