Placemats: How To Choose A Placemat To Enhance Your Dining Experience

One of the quickest and least expensive ways to change the look of your dining table is to buy a new set of placemats. This purchase will not only add color and style to your table, but can also help protect your table from damage due to hot plates and dishes. They’ll also make cleanup after mealtime easy, as they can be easily removed from the table and any leftover food or spills shaken or wiped away.

Some important considerations when purchasing placemats for your dining table are: what type of material they are made of, how much use they will receive, and who will be using them. Obviously, other factors to consider are those that will best fit your decorating style. Color, pattern, shape, and design are decisions that will go into the purchase of your placemat.

If you intend to use the same set of placemats every day, selecting a material that is more durable and easy to clean is key to a successful purchase. Plastic place mats are durable and easy to clean, but unless toddlers and messy teens are dining at the table, they should be reserved for outdoor use. Plastic place mats are too casual for indoor dining use and are better suited for picnics and Bar-B-Ques. Vinyl, chipboard, laminate, and stain resistant placemats are suitable for continuous daily use and should be able to outlive children of all ages.

If you are trying to create a dining experience for formal entertaining, whether for business or pleasure, there are many placemat materials available that can help create an air of elegance and class. Always a classic, linen cloth rugs come in many different colors and patterns and lend themselves to a more formal setting. If you’re looking to liven up your table, placemats made of bamboo, mirror-like material, or leather can help create a more contemporary and modern formal atmosphere.

Creating a festive or special occasion table is easy with the wide selection of colors, textures and materials available for today’s table. A children’s party is perfect for using paper placemats and allowing the children to design their own tablecloths as a party game. Weddings, birthdays and holidays are easy to decorate when you select placemats based on the color themes usually associated with that holiday or occasion.

Remember that the idea behind placemats is to help enhance the appearance of your table. Certainly they can be selected to help protect your table, but it’s the added color and charm they bring that helps set the scene for the dining room table and create a wonderful dining experience for all.

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