Paintball Drills: 3 Of The 3 Best Man Drills You Can’t Miss!

Three-man teams are a very good tournament format for younger players, giving them the experience they need for the larger 7-10-man tournaments without the intensity and complexity of the larger formats. Now, just because it’s not that complex doesn’t mean you don’t have to practice to be successful. Like everything else, practice is necessary to win consistently and with these exercises you can get much closer to achieving it.

3 of the 3 best man exercises

Front run: You will have two of your players on one side of the field and the other player on the opposite side. The solo player’s goal is to get to a key bunker on the field like the 50 or a snake without getting hit. The objective of both players is to zone and try to eliminate the other player before he reaches his bunker. This teaches zoning for the back players and helps the forward player learn how to get to their bunker quickly from the break.

Quick drill: You only need two players for this drill by placing them in bunkers facing each other. They shoot at each other until one of them is hit and the match ends. The goal of this game is to reinforce quick shots with your players and one-on-one situations in a game.

Bunker Me!: Place a target behind or near 50. Take two players and place them on opposite sides of the field. One player stands in the back and unloads on the other player as they try to run and store the item. The drill ends when the attacker is hit or the attacker places the object on 50.

For each of these drills, rotate your players so they play on each side of the drill. This helps them learn every point and be prepared for any game situation. I promise you that no matter what position you play, you will find yourself in any of these positions in a game situation.

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