OK Boomer – OK Millennial – Can’t we just get along?

Have you heard or seen the two words that seem to be everywhere these days: “OK Boomer”?

This slogan has quickly gained traction this fall on the Internet with memes, jokes, and merchandise bearing the “OK Boomer” logo. In fact, several trademark applications have been filed for its use, notably one from Fox for a television show last week.

Supposedly, this whole “OK Boomer” thing took on a life of its own after a viral clip on TikTok showed a white-haired man in a baseball cap and polo shirt declaring, “Millennials and Gen Z have Down syndrome.” of Peter Pan, they never want to grow up.

Of course, the younger crowd was outraged, with many responding with YouTube videos, memes, and tweets with two simple words: “OK Boomer.”

What exactly does this expression mean? It depends who you ask.

According to Wikipedia, “OK Boomer is a discriminatory catchphrase and internet meme that gained popularity throughout 2019 and is used to dismiss or mock attitudes stereotypically attributed to the baby boomer generation.”

If you ask the younger generation what they mean by “OK Boomer,” they’ll probably tell you that they feel misunderstood by the older generation and are tired of their patronizing attitude. Faced with mounting student loan debt, financial instability and environmental concerns, they are wary of patronizing advice from baby boomers who didn’t face the same problems at their age. The younger generation is tired of being called “snowflakes,” implying that they can’t hold down a job, aren’t resilient, and are too emotional when it comes to challenging viewpoints.

Baby boomers have a different version of the phrase. Many are quick to point out that the catchphrase, “OK Boomer,” smacks of ageism. A conservative radio host, Bob Lonsberry, went so far as to label the word “boomer” as “the n-word of ageism” in a controversial tweet.

The New York Times headlined an article on the subject: “OK Boomer Marks the End of Friendly Generational Relations.”

Say it isn’t.

Okay, I don’t like the phrase, “OK Boomer.” The catchphrase seems dismissive, sarcastic, mocking and sadly decisive at a time when this country is already being torn apart by differing views on politics. And it does look aged, hinting that baby boomers are old-fashioned, resistant to change, behind in technology, and out of touch. As a boomer myself, I disagree with those assumptions.

But in all fairness, I can see why the younger generation is upset by some of the insulting jabs directed at them. They have felt silenced when older people say their opinion doesn’t count because they lack experience. Many millennials are in their 30s now and tired of being told to “grow up.” The younger generation deserves to be recognized and listened to. Unfortunately, while defending themselves, this generation is using the same disparaging age-oriented stereotypes they don’t want to be labeled with.

So let’s stop it. All of us. Let’s stop using insulting and derogatory slogans based solely on the generation people were born into, which, by the way, is completely out of our control.

Let’s close the gap. After all, we have many of the same problems. For example, it is true that much of the younger generation is buried in student loan debt. But many boomers are also in debt, filing for bankruptcy in record numbers while facing rising medical costs, job losses and vanishing pensions. We are all in the same boat. Can’t both generations show compassion and empathy for each other?

Let’s go one step further. Perhaps we boomers can admire, and even imitate, some of the traits that young people have, such as a sense of adventure, spontaneity, and curiosity. Perhaps the younger generations can learn from the older ones who have lived through tragedies and triumphs and have learned to overcome adversity.

After all, what benefits do you get from hurling insults at each other? Let us respect and learn from each other instead.

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