New Age, Is This The World Religion of the Future?

This New Age church has over 20 million enthusiastic members in the United States who worship their new age leaders.

These new age leaders or “preachers” do not claim to be servants or the voice of a false god or religion. Even though they are in fact performing that very service to their “gods”. Some new age practitioners may not even know they believe in or serve a false doctrine or religion. These new age priests and priestesses are deceiving millions into rejecting the word of God and the Bible and instead embracing a convoluted theology that comes straight from Satan and hell. It is the same message that Satan used to trick Adam and Eve into rejecting God in the Garden of Eden; original sin in the cradle of civilization.

Unfortunately, the spiritual message that all the new age leaders are preaching in this so-called New Age Movement is totally devoid of God and the Holy Bible. New Age concepts focus on the modern approach to everything. They preach a feel-good message like, “Just treat everyone the way you want to be treated and you’ll be on your way to becoming like God.” They preach wonderful messages like: “We are Gods, since God is in us, and God is everywhere.”

For the cultists of the new age there is no sin, repentance, commandments, bondage, consequences or hell. Of course, for us true Christians, the new age is pure fantasy designed to free unbelievers from having to depend or be accountable to God. They consider in their minds: Why should I depend on God? Why not be like God and thus ignore Jesus?

But then, when disaster strikes, these same new age “unbelievers” are the first to yell “unfair” and blame God for these disasters. In their self-righteous minds, they still remain perplexed, resentful, angry, and concerned about why there are so many disasters and crises in and around this world! They are frustrated and angry that they cannot stop or prevent these disasters from happening. They hate feeling totally powerless, helpless and deeply resent their inability to play God and prevent all disasters and afflictions upon the inhabitants of the earth.

This new age nonsense thinking is really old age thinking. It all started with the theory of evolution, which “preaches” that we all evolved from a lower form of life; like baboons, guerrillas, tadpoles and monkeys!

This evolution nonsense fits perfectly into Satan’s latest scheme: denying us the glorious truth, that we are all created in the image of God, and that we do not evolve from lesser things. In Genesis, God told us that we were created in his own image, but NOT THAT WE ARE GOD! You see, Lucifer (who was once the most glorious of angels and illuminated the throne of God) was cast out of heaven and became Satan when he became corrupted in his spirit and decided that he wanted to be greater than God! same! He wanted to be sitting above God himself. And this is what all new age believers want; whether they want to admit it or not!

God created us to represent him (not Satan) on this earth. We are not here to live in selfish pleasure in a selfish way nor to glorify ourselves as the new age preachers want us to believe. We are here to serve God during our short life on earth. We serve him by representing God, his word and his message of salvation during the time he grants us on this planet! All of this is contrary to the new age falsehood, which is that we are on this earth to glorify ourselves, as if we are all individual gods! Again, it is the same falsehood and deception that Satan fed to Adam and Eve in original sin, at the very beginning of civilization.

New age practitioners do not believe in hell or doomsday as “they are gods”. Once again, this is all the same type of poison that Satan, disguised as a serpent, fed to Adam and Eve. The forbidden fruit (deceit and lies) that he fed them, causing them to sin and forever separate from God, is the same false doctrine that modern new age believers are embracing today.

The essence of the New Age Movement is pantheism: the pagan belief that God is in everything and therefore everything is God. This belief is directly opposed to the biblical teaching that God exists separate and apart from his creation. A corollary of pantheism is the belief that man is God and therefore the key to spiritual enlightenment and salvation is to recognize one’s divinity and release it to achieve Christ consciousness. It seems that the new age encompasses any religion as long as it is not based on the Bible or depends on Jesus.

Most, if not all new age believers falsely believe that there are many paths to God. For them, Jesus is not the only way, so obviously his death on the cross and the trinity and the bible is not the religion they really embrace. They can call themselves Christians if they want, but they are anti-Jesus, anti-Christian, and anti-Christ in practice and reality.

All new age believers agree that the solution to your destiny is in your total control. In their arrogant mentality, they believe they are directly responsible for their destiny, not God, not prayer, not your Bible. They refuse to depend on God. This kind of arrogant pride is why God instructs us to be humble and meek. New Age believers don’t want to accept how vulnerable we all are to sickness and death.

Friends, let’s straighten up and allow the God of the Universe and holy spirit into our lives so that we can combat all the falsehoods that the new age cultists want us to believe. Let’s fill our minds with the word of God in the Bible and the Holy Spirit now, before it’s too late!

I don’t know if this new age belief system will be the one world religion eventually becoming the one world religion, but it is doing a great job of fooling everyone who embraces it! The new age movement, just as Nazi Germany disguised its ultimate evil intentions from most of humanity, demonstrates just how vulnerable we all are to the whims of Satan. There was an old song from the 70s that tells us that “it’s a fine line between love and hate”, and surely you can say that there is a very fine line between good and evil, and that’s why many they are vulnerable to false doctrine and will continue to live and practice deception.

Let us be careful not to embrace every doctrine that arises, no matter how innocent it may seem.

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