Mortein Motto Of This Product: Cleaning Is Easy

Mortein Motto

Mortein High Performance/Naturgard Spray is a unique spray application product that offers various performance properties similar to that of mineral spirits. Mortein HSP was designed for use on a variety of synthetic surfaces and it has been successfully used in a wide range of applications. It is basically an environmentally friendly solvent that can be used on virtually all kinds of nonporous materials. HSP is highly absorbent in nature and hence does not produce any stain or streak. It also helps in removing grease and grime from surfaces. The high solubility of the solvent allows it to remove dirt, grease, and oil quickly, effectively and thoroughly.

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HSP is usually a clear liquid with a greenish color, which makes it great as an irrigation medium. However, the green color disappears when applied on glass and mirrors. The water based Mortein surface spray can be used in various applications where tough stains and other contaminants cannot be removed by water alone. This water-based spray cleaner can provide unlimited coverage and it is available in bottles of up to 1000 gallons.

Using HSP is simple. A five gallon carboy or container should be filled with water for spraying the surface spray. It is important to follow the instructions included with the product carefully. Depending on the pH of the surface to be cleaned, the water may need to be added progressively greater amounts until a sufficient amount of water has been added for the intended application. Adding water too slowly will result in an uneven covering and will result in a film buildup.

Mortein Motto Of This Product: Cleaning Is Easy

When spraying surfaces with HSP, it is important to start with a clean and dry surface. Gently wipe the surface with a soft cloth to remove loose dirt, dust, and grime. If there are muddy areas after wiping, add another application of the solvent. Once the surface spray is saturated, apply a thin even layer of the solvent to the surface to be treated. Do not allow the solvent to dry completely; instead, allow it to remain on the surface for one to two minutes, then use a piece of paper to blot the solvent from the paper.

The amount of time required to apply the solvent to a surface will vary depending on its texture and the amount of the product you are applying. If using a heavier grade of Naturgard 100% Surfactant, it may take up to five minutes to completely dry the surface. It is important to allow the solvent to fully dry before cleaning with a cloth or sponge. Wipe the area with a clean dry towel to remove excess solvent.

Mortein High Performance/Naturgard surface cleaners should be used regularly to maintain surfaces that have been treated with the product. Cleaning should be performed before applying the spray to ensure that the product is properly introduced to the surface. Allow the solution to fully dry before wiping with clean dry towels. You should repeat the process once you notice that the surfaces no longer feel oily or have film buildup.

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