Lose weight fast with these 15 tips

It’s true. You can actually lose up to 10 pounds of unhealthy fat easily with a few quick and easy diet tips. All it requires is that you make conscious and healthy eating choices. And do not think that a diet means tasteless food. Healthy meals and snacks are effective if they are made of delicious fruits and vegetables that will keep you satisfied and keep you coming back for more.

One of the biggest misconceptions people make when they think about losing those 10 pounds is that they’re going to have to give up all the foods they really enjoy. The beauty of this plan is that it’s flexible enough to accommodate short- or long-term goals without having to lose your sense of taste.

  1. Make sure you drink lots of water. For a little bonus, add some lemon to the water. Avoid anything that contains processed sugar or even diet drinks. This just sets off a chain reaction that makes you crave sugar even more.
  2. Choose foods that you can chew. It may seem easier to eat things that don’t require much chewing, but the act of chewing can only make you feel more satisfied and full sooner.
  3. When you go shopping, be sure to stick to the list. And if you can, don’t shop when you’re hungry. It may sound silly, but shopping when you’re hungry only leads you to buy items that end up being empty calories.
  4. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start keeping a food journal. Write down what you eat and drink throughout the day, including the approximate amount and time you consume these items. Being able to easily see what you’ve put in your mouth throughout the day not only helps you see the possibilities for change, but you’ll also be able to see how you’ve progressed over time.
  5. Conscious eating. When you slow down, be sure to chew your food. This will not only make you feel more satisfied with less food, but it will also make it easier for you to read your body’s signal that it is full.
  6. When planning meals, once a week have a meal that does not contain any type of cheese or meat. Instead, use beans, brown rice, steamed or raw vegetables. You can even use tofu as a protein replacement.
  7. Consider how much fat you add to food before you eat it or how much fat is already in prepared foods. From there, use only half of what you use to use. Put half the butter on your baked potato, use mustard instead of mayonnaise on a sandwich, or reduce the amount of oil you use to fry foods. Over time, these changes will add up to more pounds lost.
  8. Start buying and using low-fat dairy products. If you drink milk, unless you already drink skim milk, go down one level. Go from integer to 2%. When you buy cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese, also go low-fat. Also check if any of those products contain hidden sources of sugar.
  9. Use moderation when eating sweets and reduce them to less than 3 per week. This covers everything from candy to cakes to ice cream and even chocolate.
  10. Replace fatty sources of protein, such as eggs and red meat, with leaner options. Beans, fish, chicken, and yogurt are some good sources, to name a few.
  11. Various foods seem to be more filling and satisfying when you indulge in them. Apples, carrots, and beets are just a few.
  12. At any chance you get, be sure to use products that contain whole grains. Not only will they help keep your system clean, but as an added bonus, you’ll feel fuller on less food.
  13. Don’t eat a meal or snack and watch TV at the same time. Studies show that you’re more likely to ignore your body’s signal that you’re full and eat more in front of the TV. When it’s time to eat, make sure it’s the only thing you’re doing.
  14. Include at least two daily servings of vegetables in your diet. Use as a snack if you have a sudden urge to eat during the day.
  15. Like vegetables, eat 2 servings of fruit every day. Be sure to get fruits that are in season for the best flavor and eat them instead of a snack or for dessert. Fresh, non-refrigerated fruits are best.

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