Knee Pain – Symptoms, Causes and Remedies

Knee pain can be quite debilitating as it is one of the most complex and heavily used joints in the human body. The stability of the knee is due to four ligaments, muscles and the actual joint structure. During the course of a normal day, the knee goes through a wide range of motion, from sitting, walking, twisting, etc.

The knee also bears the weight along with the feet. Due to the abuse we put our knees through, there can be damage to the muscle, cartilage, or the joint itself. Some of the pain can be relieved by the use of anti-inflammatory ointments or tablets, the most severe cases need medical attention for the most effective treatment, while some patients have even had a knee or knees replaced.


These can vary from person to person and can range from discomfort to sharp pain.

* Discomfort doing normal daily tasks
* Inflammation of the joint
* Sensitivity in the area
* Instability [knee gives way for no reason]
* Blocking
* A grinding sensation
* To blow up
* Stiffness
* knee injury
* Can manifest with body and back pain


Traditionally caused by old age or injury, there are now more modern causes for this problem:

* Septic arthritis
* Osteoarthritis
* arthritis
* taste
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Bursitis
* Tendonitis

In addition, of course, there are all the injuries that we can suffer due to sports, for example, dislocation, ligament tear, cartilage injury, etc. Painful knee injuries or conditions can interfere with a person’s way of life; some may require surgery, while others need extensive rehabilitation therapy.

Home remedies

1) Oil massage: With coconut or olive oil, heat it up and massage the knee in circular motions. This will encourage better blood flow to the region and relieve any inflammation that may be present, thus relieving pain in the area.

2) Herbs: Cat’s claw, devil’s claw and boswellia have properties and nutrients known to help relieve pain and inflammation.

3) RICE – using this method you can relieve the pressure we all put on our knees. [R = rest, I = ice pack, C = compression and E = elevate]. This is a simple way to treat your knee if a problem arises.

4) Diet: Obesity can cause endless knee problems and it is recommended to follow a specialized diet and try to return to your ideal weight.

5) Exercise – Avoid exercises that put stress on your problem knee, but remember to do some strengthening exercises to help improve knee strength.

Painful knee problems can also benefit from a well balanced diet plan, remember to drink your usual 2 liters of water every day and limit your intake of salt, fat, alcohol and processed sugars or foods etc.

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