Keyword Research Using Google Keyword Research Tool and Market Samurai Keyword Tool – Part One

For some, the topic of keyword research is perplexing and confusing, but it really doesn’t have to be. If the student can understand the idea that keywords are nothing more than the same words that search engines type into their chosen search engine, they will soon realize that their fear and misunderstanding are wrong.

Once students are shown Google’s keyword research tool and how easily the simplest words can produce a hundred other keyword suggestions, they usually get an idea of ​​how easy this process is.

However, the next step may take some time to understand. And this is where the Market Samurai software comes into its own.

Words are key for advertising

For words to be effective in Internet marketing, the words themselves have to be the same words that search engines use to find the sites, services, and products they are looking for. This is how and why the words used by search engine users are called keywords. They are literally words that are “key” to the search. The internet marketer and advertiser use this information as a tactic to spearhead their advertising campaigns. They look for the words that search engine users use when searching, analyze which words are likely to attract searchers to your ads and sales pages, and include those words in your copy. Now the process has been reversed, with the search term being “key” to advertising. Hence the term – keyword.

What many students don’t understand is that some words can be very useful to an internet marketer, while many others can be useless to them. Google’s keyword research tool is great at producing long lists of probable words, but it has very little analytical power, while the Market Samurai keyword research tool analyzes keywords in various ways, filters them out, and then deletes them. the ones that are not so useful before allowing them. the rest will be saved as a spreadsheet and investigated further.

Market Samurai advantage over Google

Market Samurai’s analysis produces numerous columns of statistics regarding the listed keywords. By simply explaining the relevance of these columns to the internet marketer, the student usually suddenly realizes that knowing what a keyword is does not make them a successful marketer. The most successful marketer has mastered the art of discovering key phrases.

Unfortunately for the student, he leaves thinking that he can easily get that information elsewhere and it is not. Google’s keyword research tool is good at the beginning of a student’s education, but to analyze, remove, and break down keyword lists into the essential keywords that can be useful in a marketing strategy, they will really need at least experiment with professional keyword research software. . One positive thing about Market Samurai is that you can try the software without spending any money. But then, for anyone serious about online marketing, I’m afraid it’s like selling a puppy. Once you have it in your hands, you will not want to live without it.


This article introduced the keyword research student to Google’s keyword research tool and suggested that the best way to understand keyword relevance for the internet marketer was to realize that keywords are simply the words that any search engine user types to start their search. However, that realization does not mean that the student can trust those search words in marketing. For that they’ll need something more advanced than Google’s keyword research tool, and that will probably mean Market Samurai.

© Copyright 2010 Vivian Hugo

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