Keep It Simple – Meditation Techniques Effective During Quiet Time

You are never too young or too old to benefit from meditation. With the ever-increasing pace of life, having a quiet moment every day can be very beneficial. You may have noticed the growing market for many different meditation techniques, including guided meditation books, CDs, and DVDs. I have found that the most effective form of meditation is not complex and does not need a manual, the best approach to keep it simple.

benefits of meditation

Studies have shown remarkable benefits for those who meditate or engage in some form of quiet reflection each day. One very clear advantage is the ability to reduce stress. When you take the time to tune into your spirit, you find peace as guidance is provided and your questions answered. Also, since anxiety and tension are relieved during quiet time, the body responds better. People who regularly meditate get sick less often and recover faster from illness than those who don’t. However, the most important gain is the fact that you speak with the spirit of God.

Give the thanks

When you were little, I bet many of your moms taught you to be thankful for any gift you received. We are commonly instructed to give thanks after getting something. Giving thanks is a fitting way to begin and end any meditation. Why would you not want to appreciate the spirit for the gifts you have already received in your life and the anticipated gifts of the future? Our Creator only wants the best for us. So why not acknowledge that fact with thanksgiving? By doing so, you will be reinforcing the strength and support that you already have within.

Get information from the Spirit of God

Meditation is communion with the spirit of God. To connect with the spirit within, it may be necessary to quiet the mind, the physical side of a human being. It can help to keep it simple. Having a lot of long, drawn-out strides through your system can make you focus back on the physical side, as you have to think, using your mind to complete the process. However, the goal of meditation and prayer is to converse with the spirit of God, not to focus on the steps. Keeping it simple allows for a greater chance that spirit can be well heard, allowing constructive guidance to flow to you.

Ask and it will be given to you

Furthermore, that communion is a two-way street. Meditation is not only good for listening to the Creator’s advice, it is also a time to ask for your wishes. Matthew 7:7 (KJV) and Matthew 21:22 (KJV) of the Bible state, respectively, “Ask, and it will be given to you” Y “And whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive it.” These verses match up with one aspect of the Law of Attraction in that if you ask and believe with all your heart and soul, you will certainly receive: what you focus on becomes. These statements validate that your thoughts can create your world.

take time to make time

How many of you intend to spend time in meditation or prayer every day, but somehow don’t find the time to do so? Many people have this excuse. However, I have found that the more time I take to meditate each day, the more time I have available to myself. It is the Law of Attraction and Manifestation in practice: what you focus on becomes. Therefore, if you think you don’t have time, you won’t have it. However, by taking steps to make time, you are removing the thought that you have time, allowing more time to be allotted to you.

keep it simple

You may not take the time to do this simple task simply because you’ve been told that effective meditation requires a certain amount of time each day, usually more than 15 or 20 minutes. However, I have found that it only takes a few minutes each day for my meditation to be successful. keep it simple Perhaps a guided meditation CD will help you start the process, but the increased number of steps required could interfere with the main benefit of meditation: hearing and speaking with spirit.

Although I usually spend little time meditating each day, it’s important that you do what you think is best for you. I recommend starting with just a few minutes, first thing in the morning. If you wish, you can very easily extend your reflection time with practice, achieving a deeper meditation. I also meditate before I go to sleep at night. Since the spirit often speaks to you in your dreams, meditating before resting is conducive as it relaxes you. You will often fall asleep faster, and if you ask, problems can be resolved subconsciously while you sleep.

to take action

To get the most out of meditation and reap the rewards God intends for you, you must take action. If he gets into the habit of spending 5-10 minutes every day spending quiet time alone with his Maker, he may find it more beneficial than he ever imagined. From my perspective, ‘keep it simple’ It has been the best method. However, do what suits you best. If guided meditation techniques help you, choose to start there. However, you can’t reap the rewards unless you start. Why not, what do you have to lose?

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