Is rabbit insurance worth it?

Yes, it definitely secures a pet rabbit. Animal rights groups wisely recommend that you get your rabbit from a “hobbyist” breeder or rancher rather than a pet store or rancher who raises rabbits for commercial sale and slaughter. Home-raised rabbits generally receive better care and are much more accustomed to human contact than ranch-raised rabbits. When you get your rabbit, you can allow it to mate once and start a small family. However, after a breeding cycle, your rabbits should be spayed or neutered to help control their population explosion.

As soon as you see your vet’s bill for spaying or neutering, you’ll understand the wisdom of getting rabbit insurance for veterinary care. Although most reputable animal clinics will perform the surgery at no cost to you, you still have to pay for medications and other care costs. Regardless of the reason, a single visit to the vet’s office will easily cost more than $100 (US), more than the cost of a rabbit insurance policy, which will cover diagnosis, treatment, medication, and accommodation if necessary. Most importantly, sick rabbits always require professional care, because even veteran breeders can’t tell the difference between a relatively harmless infection and the two or three viral infections that are inevitably fatal. Veterinarians must perform diagnostic tests and careful observations to make sure your rabbit receives the proper care.

Yes, it definitely secures your pet rabbit. You will inevitably fall in love with “Thumper” and want to take the best care of him when he catches a cold or develops hocks. Rabbit insurance guarantees that Thumper will lead a long and healthy life, becoming a full member of his family.

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