Installing Leak Barriers on Your New Roof

Weather Watch or StormGuard Leak Barriers.

Use Weather Watch or StormGuard Leak Barriers. Weather Watch Leak Barriers offer these features… a mineral surface for better traction, reinforced fiberglass for added strength, 1.5 sq or 2.0 sq per roll, split back release film for easy installation, Weather Watch Repositionable Leak Barrier is designed to snap into place and reposition if needed Less likely to stick Uses a time-release adhesive that reduces discomfort if the material folds back on itself during installation Seals almost any surface seals all critical areas, seals nails, staples and seals for plumbing vent pipes.

StormGuard Leak Barrier features good heat film surface traction, is reinforced with fiberglass for added strength, 2.0 squares per roll, split back release film makes installation easy, of course, repositionable if needed. And since it seals itself to many different surfaces, it applies to roof decks, nails, staples, and roof vent pipes.

Leak Barriers are not designed to withstand direct sunlight for long periods of time. Weather Watch or StormGuard Leak Barriers should never be installed if exposure could exceed 60 days.

Eave leak barriers must be installed to provide protection from wind-driven rain and ice dams, in all valleys, a full 36″ width along the entire valley, around all plumbing pipes. plumbing vent, 20″ square section applied firmly to pipe, around dormers for added protection under flashing areas, around all chimneys to protect against any sources of leaks, at slope transition areas When a roof slope flows into a lower slope, there is a danger of water pooling, around skylights to seal out critical areas that may leak, and on sloped edges, hips and ridges of the roof. protection against wind-driven rain.

When installing GAF-Elk Leak Barriers at the eaves, install them anywhere there is a threat of a snow load, most building codes require the installation of Leak Barriers at the eaves, extend them up to the roof as far as minus 24″ inside warm wall, “wall” is the finished interior wall, two 36″ courses are needed in typical framing, lap second course over first 3″ using selvedge edge to keep straight, and lap by hand for bonding purposes.

When installing the Leak Barrier on top of the drip edge, cut it into 10-20 foot lengths to make it easier to manage, examine the deck, make sure it is clean, dry and free of debris, install the gutter and remember to put it back. all guide pipes, install corrosion resistant metal, aluminum or galvanized steel drip edge, nail every 8″-10′, install full width of membrane and flush with drip edge, roll top half membrane to remove and release film, seal membrane using a roller, for safety reasons back each nail 18″ along selvedge edge, roll bottom front half to remove release film, remove release film to install to the deck and drip edge, seal the membrane again using a roller.

Extend the laps a minimum of 6″ at any seam, hand roll these laps to seal. Do not leave the membrane exposed for more than 60 days because it is not designed to be exposed for long periods of time. And for any further courses, waterproof the membrane. roof deck protection should come to a point 24″ inside the interior wall line. If additional courses are needed or required, the top lap must be at least 3″ and hand rolled for good bond.

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