How to get rid of fruit flies and gnats

Alright, so you have a problem. You are here because you want to know how to get rid of fruit flies and gnats. First, you must clean your house. If you have fruits or vegetables on your counters, you are begging mosquitoes and fruit flies to enter your home. Also make sure you don’t overwater house plants. Gnats and fruit flies love watered plants for a reason. Make sure your kitchen is clean. You will want to empty and clean your trash cans regularly because the yucky stuff that accumulates in the trash can will also attract them. Most of the time this is all you need to do to get rid of fruit flies and gnats.

She’s fine, the house is clean, but she still needs help getting rid of the fruit flies and gnats. Try this cool hack! These pesky little friends are attracted to the smell of vinegar. Drill a couple of holes in the top of a mason jar and fill it with vinegar. The mosquitoes will climb up and will not be able to get out. It’s basically a trap for fruit flies and mosquitoes. This is a great way to get rid of fruit flies and gnats, but read on if you want to try something else.

You can also try coating your kitchen sink with vegetable oil. Once the insects cover themselves, they cannot lay eggs and many will die. This is a messy way but it can get the job done. It will take a little longer to get rid of them, but at least they won’t be able to lay eggs for the next generation of nuisances. Read on as a last resort.

You can simply go to the supermarket or hardware store and buy one of the many sprays for flying insects. Just be sure to check the label for warnings about children and pets. I hope one of the ways to get rid of fruit flies and gnats above works so you don’t have to resort to chemicals, but you need to do what you need to do.

Fruit flies can be extremely embarrassing and can be difficult to get rid of. Once you get rid of them now you should do your best to keep your house clean so they don’t come back. It’s actually quite easy to get rid of them, what becomes difficult is keeping them away. I wish you luck and hope your problem clears up!

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