How to find a literary agent

Finding an agent is one of the most difficult steps on the road to publishing. Its importance cannot be stressed enough – a good agent will provide feedback on your manuscript, put it on the desks of prospective editors, and make sure you get the best deal possible.

1.Finish your novel

As a prepublished author, you’re not ready to start looking for an agent until your novel is complete and polished. Join a local critics group to get feedback on your manuscript. If you can’t find a face-to-face group, consider joining an online critique group. There are many that adapt to different writing styles. If that’s not an option, pay a freelance editor to provide feedback.

Whatever you do: don’t consult until the manuscript is complete and perfect.

2. Build your platform and / or your credibility

Nonfiction writers must show credentials in the same area as the book they propose. This could be a degree (the more advanced the better), serving as a spokesperson on the subject, working in the field, and / or speaking to people at dedicated seminars or conventions.

For fiction writers, platform building can be a chicken-and-egg problem. It is difficult to get a following without a book to promote and it is difficult to publish a book without such a following, but there are ways to do it. Christina Katz’s book Get Known Before the Book Deal is an excellent resource.

Some activities fiction writers could try: teaching literature or creative writing classes (or tutoring in the field), maintaining a blog, attending prestigious writers’ camps, or winning awards for your writing.

3. Learn about the business

Ideally, you should learn about the publishing business as you write your novel and build your credibility. Attend major writing conferences and talk to agents and authors (this is not the time to tell an agent that you have a book they should read). Read author and agent blogs. Visit their websites and publishers’ websites.

You want to know everything you can about the business. When an agent knocks on the door, you want to appear crafty, smart, and knowledgeable.

Four. Publish articles or short fiction

It has long been debated whether publishing short fiction can build enough credibility to interest an agent. Some editors say that writing short fiction does not prepare you to write a novel. Others disagree. They say publishing credits (in reputable outlets) show that you are serious about publishing. Plus: the process can toughen your skin for rejection and provide some editing experience.

Posting articles related to a nonfiction book you are proposing, again in reputable media outlets such as trade magazines or newspapers, almost always adds credibility. The post shows that other editors believe your credentials.

5. Potential investigative agents

Like doctors, agents specialize. You will want to find one that represents the type of work you write. and the Association of Author Representatives ( are two websites that you can search to find agents.

Once you have a short list of agents, visit their websites and blogs to find the specific books they are represented for. have you read any of them? Are they similar to yours? Would you like to read those books? (If not, consider if this is the right agent for you.)

After doing your research, if you still want to consult this agent, find the requirements to send to him. Some will accept email. Some will not. Some will want a query letter and synopsis. Others will just want a letter of inquiry.

6. Write an inquiry letter (and possibly a synopsis)

A consultation letter is like an audition. It is your one page introduction to your chosen agent. It should contain only a few short paragraphs: the type of book you are trying to sell along with the word count; a short and compelling summary of the book; and your credentials – why this agent should represent you.

A synopsis is a three to five page summary of your book. It should be written with the same care as your novel, with the same voice, and contain all plot points and spoilers.

Have both reviewed by the same people who criticized your original manuscript. Is the letter free of errors? Does the synopsis match the tone of the novel? Pay as much attention to these two elements as to your novel. If the synopsis is not well written, the agents will not ask to review a complete manuscript.

7. Send your inquiries

Send your specific inquiry package (letter, synopsis, and whatever else the agent requests in their guidelines) to your three to five “first choice” agents. It is considered unprofessional to “spam” a large number of agents at the same time.

If everyone rejects it, send it to your second-choice agents.

8. To be prepared.

This is where having a complete and polished manuscript comes in handy. An agent who likes your query will request a partial manuscript (as many pages or chapters) or a complete manuscript. Since yours is complete, you will be able to submit at any time: the exact amount of time to prove (again) that you are a professional that is ready to be published.

Simply put, finding an agent is as easy (or as difficult as) writing well, making a good first impression, and being professional. There is no sure way to get an agent, but following these steps can increase your chances as a writer.

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