How To Farm Gold In WotLK: The Best Places To Grind In World Of Warcraft Northrend

How to farm gold in WotLK? Kill mobs, that’s how! Many players get so lazy when it comes to farming some gold and all they do is complain that they don’t even have the money to pay the repair bills.

Have you ever seen a player with an exceptional gear score who doesn’t have an epic flying mount? I’ve seen many and I really wonder how in the world a super raider guild invites a player who is so lazy when it comes to earning just a couple thousand gold for the epic riding skill.

Of course, many players don’t know where and how to farm gold in WotLK, so I’m going to point out 3 places that I prefer here.

1. Onslaught Port. This place can be found in the northwest of Icecrown. It is much easier to get there if you have a flying mount, because it is an island quite far from the coast. There are a lot of Onslaught Crusaders in this area, making it a great place to farm, at least for Frostweave cloth. There are also some daily quests that can be completed here, which have good gold rewards and give you reputation with the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

two. Gimorak’s lair. This is a cave with beasts that you can find in the middle area of ​​Storm Peaks. There are many huge, spiky wargs and worms that can be skinned for Boreal Leather, Arctic Fur, and Jormungar Scales (worms only). They also drop meats that are used for cooking.

3. cauldron of flames This place is in the southeast of Wintergrasp. There are a lot of fire elementals and spawns here, good to grind for Crystallized Fire. However, your faction must have control over WG for you to see the Flame Revenants. These mobs always drop crystal fire, but unfortunately the respawn rate is pretty low. So, you will have to do some mining or herb gathering around Wintergrasp until they respawn. Or just go find other ghosts. Crystallized Air is also expensive and in high demand, so look out for some Tempest Revenants.

If you haven’t learned how to farm gold in WotLK, I’m sure this report has helped you at least a little. However, there are plenty of other places or methods to earn decent money in Northrend areas. Therefore, it is always better to find the one that perfectly suits your style of play.

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