How To Attract Women Sexually – The Pick Up Artist’s Secret Methods

How to attract women sexually does not depend on the face or the body that a man possesses. How to attract women sexually depends on how well the man pushes the right buttons.

This is the philosophy behind the subculture we call the society of pickup artists, or PUAs, as they are more fundamentally called. If you were to see their profiles on the internet, you would find out that these idiots are not pretty people at all. In fact, some of them even look like the biggest nerd in fifth grade.

Yeah, the guy everyone thought would never, ever get laid!

Lo and behold, PUAs average 9.7 sexual encounters per week. That’s more than one per day.

How they did it?

Basically, they have mastered how to attract women sexually. They have learned and perfected several routines that help them make contact, attract attention and successfully seduce the women they like.

Now, there are many methods to pick up women. Any PUA will tell the average frustrated fool, or AFC if she prefers, that mastering all of these techniques will take time and a lot of practice. Remember, getting a woman into bed is never instant. You don’t just wink at a girl and she’ll take off her panties for you.

It is a courtship PROCESS and there are many steps involved. (be sure to get the ultimate guide by clicking the link at the bottom of this article)

There are many proven approaches when it comes to learning how to attract women sexually. Below is one such method that has worked for big-name PUAs like Neil Strauss and the man known as Mystery.

1. Sarge with a wingman. Sarging is a PUA term that refers to going out for the sole purpose of picking up women. You need a wingman, a PUA partner you can trust. Your wingman will eventually help you make first contact with a target and help you isolate it if necessary. Your wingman will also help you get out of sticky situations, like when the target isn’t as attractive as you thought and you need a quick exit.

2. Select your goal. Easy enough. Find a super hot girl (SHB). Never think that she is out of your reach. It’s that kind of mentality that makes men fail before they even try.

3. Joking with her showing disinterest. I know what you’re thinking: “What? Show disinterest?” This is because SHBs are so used to attention that they actually expect guys to shower them with the same. Stand out! Be different! If she’s with a group of guys, talk to them about boy stuff. Let her feel alienated. Turn around to her. Pretty soon, she’ll think of you as a challenge and she’ll open up her defenses.

4. Isolate the subject. If she’s with people, your wingman should help you separate them from her. The bottom line is that YOU and SHE should be left alone. You will be more vulnerable this way and there will be fewer distractions.

5. Establish an emotional connection. Make her feel that you understand her. Make him feel like maybe, just maybe, you share a bond that’s hard to find. But don’t be a fag when you do this. Don’t get all “emo” and never talk like a friend. Be strong. Be manly. Still feign a little disinterest. Objective LISTEN. Hand out follow-up questions that will let her know you’re listening to every word she says.

6. Establish a physical connection. When she’s comfortable with you, start touching her, subtly at first. Press your hand to emphasize a point. Stroke her arm to reassure her when she needs it. I pushed her leg into his as they both shared a laugh. If she doesn’t resist, she steps up your advances. Women love to be touched, or at least they love to be touched by people they like. If you manage to establish an emotional connection with her, this part should be easy.

7. Go for the kill. She is ready for seduction. Your place or hers?

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