How do tennis champions think?

Have you ever asked yourself as a tennis player, “What do champions think about all the time?”

Well. should.

First, I want and need to apologize to Lebron James for questioning his heart after Game 4 of the NBA Finals.

Ok, let’s continue with this article!!

Today, let’s talk about thinking like a tennis champion.

True champions create an image of themselves being successful and then keep that same image in their minds all the time.

Their minds led the way and their faith in themselves followed suit!

“They did this by saturating their minds with pictures and mental images of themselves becoming champions, until their subconscious mind began to accept those messages.”

You’re going to have to do the same yourself if you want to take that mental leap with your tennis game.

Here are some warrior tips to think about every day as you begin your own journey to success.

How can I become a better tennis player?

How can I become a better person?

How could I develop a better relationship with my coach and teammates?

How can I improve my mental game today?

How can I start competing at a higher level?

How can I relax more under pressure?

And how can I improve my ability to concentrate better in practice?

We could go on and on and add to this tennis warrior checklist and you should keep adding to it every day.

And as you contemplate all these questions for yourself in your quiet time, keep your tennis journal with you at all times and write down the ideas that come to mind.

It’s like you want to get out of your head and start looking at your mental game from the outside looking in.

You can start this mental warrior training today, but give yourself enough time for it to start working for you.

By doing this every day, you will create a pattern of NEW THINKING and stop having the same old thoughts all the time, running around in your head.

Which is what really stops you and keeps you in a depression.

This is how tennis champions think on a daily basis.

The key takeaway from this article is this,

If you want to become a tennis champion, start modeling them and stay consistent with their actions and thoughts, until you start getting the same results as them.

The results will come, just trust the process!!

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