Get off the Damn Network in 5 Minutes!

How Will Smith fell, he kicked the GRID!

Who says we can’t change the world in 5 minutes? Imagine human beings knowing the true extent of your power: the power to instantly create: non-violence, perpetual kindness and love, sustainable health, free education, food and housing, and a quality lifestyle for all human beings. Imagine, is it possible?

Stop wasting time and learn how to change the world in 5 short minutes! Growing up, Will Smith influenced me deeply. His no-excuse superhero work ethic taught me that living off the grid was possible. Big Willy certainly broke down all the barriers imposed from the outside. We then grew up together, metaphorically… his superhuman evolution knew no bounds.

Now, as a committed Grider (Living Off the Grid and Without Conventional Limits), I propagate unconventional ideas that we can transition from an outdated paradigm to an enlightened realm of pure love, peace, and endless possibilities.

1. Free or affordable housing is a human right! There are literally millions of free places to live around the world… learn how to barter and trade for housing.

2. Healthy organic food is a human right! Learn how to grow and share your own organic food. It will take six weeks to grow food…in the meantime, trade healthy food for work. Five hours of work a week should net you $100 worth of organic food.

3. Stop spending money on depreciating assets. Learn to barter for everything you need. Clothes, cars, food, furniture, etc…

4. Create a skill that you can trade, gift, and trade for all your needs. For example, learn to: paint, garden, cook, take care of children, help an elderly person, etc.

5. This is it: we only have one home/planet. Stop consuming things that harm the planet! Stop and think before consuming or eating anything. Just stop it!

6. We have the power to change many issues. Stop using corrupt banks and institutions. Only invest in assets that appreciate.

7. Forget traditional medicine and heal yourself… eat organic food and heal yourself. We don’t need expensive care for the sick. Cancer, diabetes and heart disease can be prevented.

8. Learn to live a simple lifestyle – stop being a consumer-oriented life.

9. “Everything we focus on grows” Oprah. Immediately, she focuses on cleaning the air, water, food, and dirt. Get involved, volunteer and change the world without depending on corrupt politicians.

10. Eliminate low-level energy vibrations from your life. This means negative people, TV, internet, food, microwave, etc. Energy can boost or destroy your immune system. Find real news from independent sources. Focus on positive solutions and a simplified lifestyle.

11. Raise your STANDARDS! Only hug the people who appreciate, respect, empower and love you. Slow down and meet people right away, raise your standards, wait six months on all relationships, and only embrace the healthy and empowering people. Don’t waste time with people who don’t empower you and make you better.

As a sustainable activist, I am confident that global change is possible and simple. We don’t need laws to protect us from unhealthy food, exploitative corporations, and global injustice. There are over 6.5 billion people on this amazing planet and collectively we can just make things better, one person at a time in less than five minutes!

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