Five family movies that will bring your family closer

Going to the movies can take on many roles, some of which are a bit more important to others. While most people might think that a movie that is a cultural phenomenon or a movie of a generation can be quite important, almost everyone will dismiss how important family movies in general can be. Depending on who you ask, this may be more of a comment on how society is changing, but it could be that family movies are made for just a few members of the family.

Think about the last time you sat down and watched a movie with your spouse and children. He was he animated? Were the father figures too out of touch to seem real? Did the CGI overload make it difficult to even look at the screen? As time has passed, what makes a family movie really is more about making a movie that holds the kids’ attention long enough to give mom and dad a break. What happened to the type of movie that made the family feel closer? You know, the kind of movie that taught an important lesson, even if it was too close to reality. As much as it makes you look like the old man who shakes his fist at everyone who steps on his lawn, they don’t make family movies like they used to.

Then again, maybe they do, but you may need to look a little closer or even go back a few years at the movies that made you and your family feel a little closer than before. There may be something to this because if you think about the movie marathons that come on around the holiday season, most of those movies are a few decades old. A classic is a classic, and even if years have passed, something in those movies has stood the test of time.

If you’re looking for a little family movie magic, here are five movies that will bring your family a little closer:

charlotte’s website – Although lively and incredibly inspiring, the audience is fully aware of the harshness of life. Its a classic.

a christmas story – An air rifle, a child’s imagination, and a terrifying full-body pink bunny suit combine to form one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time.

Baby I shrunk the kids – When it seems like Daddy messes everything up, it’s shocking to see one of his craziest inventions actually work! This movie is underrated, but it has heart, a tremendously talented cast, and a great story to boot.

Little woman – A classic movie based on a classic novel. You really can’t go wrong, and even if the guys in your family make fun of it, if they sit around long enough, they’ll be swept away.

Home alone – Although billed as a Christmas comedy, this movie is much more than just fun and mischief. Once again, an all-star cast makes this one of the best movies of the last thirty years and one of the best Christmas movies of all time.

Family movies can actually bring families closer, but it’s important to realize that the movie isn’t really that important. Whether you’re at home or at your local movie theater, spending time with your loved ones is what it’s all about, and if you can have a good time while watching a movie at the same time, so be it.

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