Feng Shui Tips for Your Bedroom for Positive Chi Energy

When it comes to the bedroom, Feng Shui is very important. Perhaps the most important aspect in your own bedroom is the proper position of your bed. Depending on which direction you place it, you will have several other advantages through Feng Shui. For example, you can position your bed to face east, southeast, west, northwest, or southwest for best results.


When you orient your bed to the west, you create the best conditions for a good night’s sleep. West is satisfaction. However, contentment can also bring laziness and low motivation, so starting a new career while your bed is facing in this direction might not be the best idea. This is ideal for people who already have a good career.


The oriental position of your bed will make you feel that every day is really a new day. If you’re young and just starting out, this is the perfect way to sleep. This brings out feelings of ambition and growth in anyone and easily promotes career expansion.


This is for people who have communication problems as it promotes good communication, increased creativity and a fairly active life.

south west

If you are quite restless, placing your bed in a southwest direction will calm you down and make you feel at peace with all there is. You will also have a feeling of being more grounded in your life and relationship.

What you should avoid instead is placing your bedrooms in bad feng shui positions, such as north, northeast, and south.


North can increase various sleep disorders, such as insomnia, and make your life rather lethargic. This position is often called the “death position.” If you are an older person, such as a senior citizen, this position might be good for you, as it really promotes a calm and tranquility that you can benefit from the most.

north east

This can easily give a person nightmares and make one feel nervous at all times. Brings out strong emotions.


The south is really bad for sleeping as the energy around it is quite high. If you find yourself in a lot of heated arguments in your relationship, one way to minimize them is to change the address of your bedrooms.

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