Eye health can display information about brain health

They joke that “your eyes are the mirrors of your heart” but say you may need to switch to “your eyes are the mirrors of your health”. Eye health is gaining more and more attention; after recent studies indicate that other serious health problems are discovered through routine eye exams. The trend continues, as a recent US study proposes that retinopathy screening tests serve as an indicator of brain health. Research data shows that women 65 and older with any sign of retinopathy were more likely to show cognitive regression of the brain. The exams shed light on problems related to aging, such as dementia. This correlation and link solidifies the importance of eye health and routine comprehensive exams.

The full findings, found in Neurology The March 2012 issue illustrates that an uncomplicated eye test could delve into the early signs of retinopathy. Consequently, allowing for earlier diagnosis and treatments ultimately slows down the process or stops the disease altogether. Additionally, this information provides information on early diagnosis and treatment to reduce cognitive degeneration to dementia.

Retinopathy is an eye disease that causes blood vessels to build up in the retina, at the back of the eye. The retina is a thin layer of light-sensitive tissue along the back of the eye. Light rays are focused on the retina, where they communicate with the brain and are translated as the images that are seen.

The study focused on more than 500 women over almost a ten-year period. In summary, the results showed:

  1. An increase in the participants developed retinopathy and, on average, their cognitive test scores were worse than those of the women who did not develop the eye disease.
  2. As brain scans illustrate, women with retinopathy had more damage to the blood vessels in the brain, with 47% having more ischemic lesions or holes in the overall structure of the blood vessels and 68% in the parietal lobe.
  3. Women with retinopathy showed more thickening of the white matter tracks that transmit signals in the brain.

The link between brain function and retinopathy shows a link that is imperative to find early to reduce many severe side effects of cognitive regression to dementia. The causes of retinopathy are usually high blood pressure and type II diabetes. Early lifestyle changes can slow down the process and give insight into possible cures for diseases. Research can also be manipulated to develop pharmacological interventions for mind-stealing disease early on, when they are most likely to function properly.

More studies are needed to further evaluate the role of retinal sensing in people at risk for cognitive impairment or dementia.

The most important lesson is to remember that all facets of your own health work together. Remember how important eye health is.

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