exercise to lose weight

Exercise and fitness will always be a very effective part of any weight loss program. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to do the math – to lose fat; You must burn more calories than you take in from the food you eat. “Just not enough time, too hard” some of the classic excuses, but the fact is that people hate working out and would rather go back to their couch and watch TV. Finding the right motivation, time and exercises to lose weight makes us stumble. Exercise is extremely important in so many areas of our lives (mental wellness, metabolism, fat loss, heart conditions, and just living longer). Is it really any surprise that most of us give up so easily? We don’t spend money on exercise and fitness, and we don’t invest anything in it.

What exercises should I do and how much?

Keeping up with regular exercise will speed up your metabolism, so you’ll burn more energy and fat. For most of us, when we think of aerobic exercise, the first thing that comes to mind is images of sweaty gyms, people in big T-shirts, and seeing all those other people in leggings moving so well to bad music. It does not have to be this way! Aerobic exercise can be any sustained cardiovascular exercise for long periods of time. What does this include? 25 minutes of walking, jogging, skating, or even a machine like a rowing machine or treadmill. How long is enough? Some recommend an hour of cardiovascular activity, others would say short 20-minute bursts are sufficient; The truth is that both are right. Do you really have time for either? No, then a lifestyle change will be necessary.

START SMALL AND WORK UP! I don’t know how many people try to fit everything in at once and get burned; or worse cause injury. You don’t have to join a gym and if you find it difficult to get out, invest in personal fitness equipment.

When is the best time?

No matter what diet plan you’re on, or which pill you’re taking to help you lose weight for the best results, you’ll need to throw some form of exercise into the mix. It’s best to start your exercise early in the morning, as it kickstarts your metabolism to burn fat throughout the day. If the exercise is done at night, you will usually go to sleep shortly after your metabolism drops. It’s best not to eat before you exercise in the morning, but if you find it difficult to exercise on an empty stomach, eat something before you start. If you choose not to eat before exercising, be sure to eat breakfast soon after.

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