Egg laying: what are the best breeds of chickens for laying eggs?

Choosing a breed of chicken for eggs is not such a difficult choice if you know what you are looking for. You just need to ask yourself a few easy questions. Do I need white or brown eggs? Do I need a pet or livestock? How much space do I have? Do I want to hatch more chickens?

Hybrid / Golden Comet

If you’re looking to get the most out of your endeavor, hybrid chickens like the Golden Comet have been specially bred to eat less feed and produce more eggs. The comet isn’t the only hybrid chicken, but it’s definitely the most popular. These hybrid chickens lay about 280 medium-sized brown eggs per year. Hybrids are hardy little creatures that are more resistant to infection and disease compared to other breeds of chickens. The downside is that these birds rarely go broody, so if you are looking to hatch new chicks from eggs, this breed is probably not the best choice.

Rhode Island Network (RIR)

RIRs lay about 250 medium brown eggs per year. This breed is most popular with backyard chickens and first-time chicken owners. Reds are known as the versatile bird. These birds are known to take care of themselves. Reds are docile and friendly chickens that farmers use for meat and eggs, plus their beautiful coloring is why they are so popular.


Foghorn Leghorn, still a fun cartoon. Aside from their brilliant white stance, that caricature is probably why they remain so popular to this day. Many people believe that Leghorns originated in the United States, unfortunately, this is not true. This breed was brought to the United States in the 1800s and has been a popular farm bird ever since. Leghorn hens originated in Italy and lay around 250 medium white eggs per year. This breed is not known to be aggressive, but Leghorns are not known to be friendly either. They are a skittish breed that is not really easy to tame due to their shy nature.


The Maran chicken breed is well known for its dark brown eggs and excellent meat quality. These birds lay about 200 medium-sized eggs per year. Marans require very little space to roam because they like to be close to home. They are known to be very tame birds, but they are not that easy to tame due to their shyness. So this breed would not be the best pet without a lot of work handling it and spending time with it. Still a pretty bird, eggcellent eggshell and meat bird. A great addition to any farm or herd too!

snorting orpington

Last but not least, the Buff Orpington chicken breed. Orpingtons are docile birds that make great garden and friendly pets. These birds love to socialize and will hang out with you and eat food from your hand without much effort. Buffs have a thick coat of yellowish-golden feathers and lay about 180 white, regular-sized eggs per year. This breed is known to become brooding and makes a great hatching hen. The excellent hatchability of this breed is the reason why the hen lays slightly fewer eggs per year. This breed is actually so good at sitting on its eggs, the Buff is commonly used by farms to incubate the eggs of other poultry and birds, such as the domestic duck, which are terrible egg incubators.

What is the best breed of chicken for eggs?

In conclusion, the best breed of chicken for eggs depends on what your needs are. Do you need a laying hen? The Orpington is perfect. Golden Comet chicken is perfect if you need a lot of eggs with minimal effort and food. Rhode Island Reds if you are looking for a friendly pet. The Maran chicken breed is your choice if you have limited space. Do you need only white eggs? Leghorns produce the best number of medium-sized white eggs.

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