Can thyroid disorders be treated naturally?

Thyroid disorders often have a negative impact on the patient’s quality of life. They can affect a patient’s energy level, mood, weight, digestive system, libido, sleep cycle, and more. On top of that, conventional treatment protocols often include long-term use of synthetic drugs or even surgery, in certain cases. It is not surprising that many patients with thyroid disorders seek natural alternatives.

The most common forms of thyroid disorders are primary hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and Graves’ disease. Unfortunately, the medical community is often sharply divided between two schools of thought on health and disease: the medical model or the alternative model.

The medical model
In the medical model, doctors focus on analyzing symptoms and then narrowing down the possibilities until they reach a diagnosis. The doctor then follows an established treatment protocol to treat the food. Treatment often includes medication.

The standard treatment protocol for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is hormone replacement therapy. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends synthetic levothyroxine T4 for clinical hypothyroidism to restore thyroid-stimulating hormone to normal levels.

In Grave’s disease, the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. The standard treatment protocol includes thyroid-suppressing drugs or surgery to remove the thyroid. Many doctors in the United States prefer to use radioactive iodine as their first line therapy.

alternative model
Unfortunately, the alternate model is often thrown in a big heap, when in fact there are multiple models within it. These include naturopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and functional medicine. This article focuses on the functional medicine approach to thyroid disorders.

Functional Medicine
In the functional model, the doctor examines all aspects of a person’s health. They look for the root cause of a problem, instead of treating the symptoms. For example, there are many possible causes if a person suffers from depression. One person may have a blood sugar imbalance, while another may have a mineral deficiency. There is no point in treating all depressions in the same way, if the root cause is different.

Some alternative models use similar paradigms. For example, herbal doctors might recommend St. John’s wart for a patient with certain types of depression once they understand the underlying cause.

I feel that this model draws on the wisdom of other alternative disciplines and combines it with scientific data collected from functional laboratory tests. It also involves the patient in a therapeutic association where he actively participates in her well-being, important for recovery.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease
In Hashimoto’s and Grave’s disease, the functional approach looks for sources of stress in the immune system. Grave and Hashimoto’s are autoimmune disorders and are not thyroid problems at all. Thyroid dysfunction is just a symptom of the underlying cause: a dysfunctional immune system.

Autoimmunity develops for many reasons. Again, each person is unique and requires specialized tests and treatment depending on the underlying cause. For example, if a person has a condition called “leaky gut syndrome,” it can cause undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream, triggering an immune response.

Food allergies or food sensitivities can also cause an immune system reaction. When you continue to eat problem foods, it can eventually lead to an autoimmune condition.

Since these thyroid problems can have many underlying causes, we are unable to define a standard treatment protocol or standard of care for thyroid conditions. Unfortunately, the multiple factors that contribute to these diseases also make self-treatment difficult.

How can functional medicine help you?
Understanding the underlying influences that affect the thyroid requires some knowledge of physiology and the ability to interpret functional laboratory tests. A trained doctor can provide the proper care and correct the immune system dysfunction that caused your diagnosis in the first place.

Of course, restoration of full function depends on whether you still have your thyroid and its condition, if you do. If you don’t have a thyroid gland, or if it’s badly damaged, you’ll need medication to support thyroid function.

However, the functional approach can help patients when they do not process medications efficiently and correctly. Doctors usually prescribe a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone T4, but it is less physiologically active than T3. Consequently, your body needs to convert it, but some people can’t convert it well.

Other patients convert T4 to reverse T3, instead of T3. Reverse T3 does not help the thyroid. Fortunately, I can address both issues through functional medicine so that you get the most benefit from your medication and the most relief.


The experience taught me that the medical model has its place. It can help patients manage symptoms and can provide a diagnosis of thyroid problems.

However, it does not address the root of the problem. A working model delves into the underlying causes to prevent further problems and reverse existing problems, rather than treat the symptoms.

I naturally look forward to the time when the medical and functional models blend to provide seamless and effective patient care. Both have many benefits, but together they could provide targeted and optimized care and recovery.

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