Building solutions for warehouse expansion

When planning a new construction project, there are many things to consider. Downtime, costs, outages, value and many other things are just many of the deciding factors. These factors can often seem overwhelming and can turn what was supposed to be a simple addition into a complicated process.

It is important to start with the “why” of the project. For example, suppose you own a large warehouse. About two-thirds of the warehouse floor is used as production space, but the other third is currently unused except for a small portion that acts as storage. You need administrative office space and you don’t want to look for a new building for this purpose. Also, you’d like to keep some of this storage space, but want to keep things organized and clean.

Going through the list of concerns above, this process can be a huge headache and will still require a creative solution. In a situation like this, construction also becomes challenging as it can potentially inhibit facility operations. Having to stop production while construction takes place can be incredibly expensive and can be a huge disruption to the facility.

Most of the time, a construction project of this scale would require many people and building materials to come to the facility. This process can be quite disruptive and may even require the displacement of workers. This often leads to decreased production and morality.

There’s an easier solution in a popular new construction method called modular construction. All manufacturing is done using optimized construction practices at an offsite facility. This means that the finished product is not subject to weather, labor or material delays. Since all the “construction” takes place in a factory, the part that needs to be installed on site is done very quickly. A trained installation team can complete this process often in hours or days without disrupting factory operations.

So in the example above, modular construction can offer a great solution. With the use of a mezzanine, you can take advantage of the extra space by building up. On top of the mezzanine, offices and other administrative spaces can be built using modular construction. Below the mezzanine there is still ample space for the storage needed for the factory.

Yes, construction can sometimes seem like a headache, but it doesn’t have to be. Modular construction is an inexpensive and discreet way to complete projects quickly without stopping production.

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