9 things to do when your roof leaks

Spring storms can bring a lot of rain, which can reveal a leaky roof. What should you do when an April shower comes into your living room?

First, control the interior damage as quickly as possible.

Move any items that have not yet soaked. If furniture or other items cannot be moved, cover them with plastic sheeting to protect them from water. Catch any dripping water in a leak-proof container and make sure the container is on a solid surface.

Remove the water.

Begin to blot up any water that has soaked into the carpet and furniture. For carpets that have gotten wet, you may need to remove the carpet from the padding. Expose the backing to air and let it dry. This will also give the padding underneath a chance to dry out and reduce the chance of mold growing. Circulate as much fresh air as possible around affected areas.

Call your insurance agent.

If your living space has sustained significant damage, call your insurance agent. Your policy may or may not cover interior damage due to a roof leak. Don’t wait to call the agent. They can usually inspect the damage within hours of your call and help you begin the process of cleaning or replacing your damaged content.

Inspect the roof, inside and out.

As soon as possible, check the roof for obvious sources of standing or standing water. Make sure valleys, gutters and downspouts are clear of debris and allow water to move freely off the roof and away from the house. Inspect roof materials. Make sure that all parts of the underlying roof are shingled and that the water barrier is not exposed in any way. Keep in mind that the point of entry of water into the home may not be directly below the roof leak. Roof leaks can “travel,” so carefully inspect the entire area of ​​the leak. You may also find it helpful to inspect the roof from the attic space above the dwellings. That can provide a better indication of how water is entering the structure.

Clean gutters and downspouts.

Remove any obvious obstructions and clean downspouts if they are clogged. You can often do this with a garden hose. If the downspout is clogged and cannot be cleaned with a hose, you may need to remove the downspout from the gutter and clean it by reversing the downspout or using a broom handle or other long object to pull debris out of the pipe. When it’s clear, place it back in the gutter and direct the water away from the foundation.

Inspect the flashing.

Some roof leaks are not the result of clogged gutters or downspouts. Instead, leaks occur when the roofing material is worn or damaged. In other cases, the flashing around chimneys, vents, or roof overhangs is damaged, allowing water to enter the structure below. Inspect the flashing, where chimneys, dormers, vents and other fixtures abut the roof. If the flashing is in poor condition, it may need to be replaced. If the seal around the flashing is damaged, a liberal application of roofing tar can plug the leak.

Look for hidden damage.

Roof leaks often develop over time, so water can accumulate undetected for some time before it enters the living space. When you inspect the attic, check for any hidden damage that may have caused the leak. Look for damp spots on ceiling planks or panels, discolored wood, damaged OSB panels, strange odors, and soiled insulation. Check the interior for bulges in the ceilings and walls, peeling paint, and severely cracked plaster or drywall. These are all signs that something may not be right in your attic or walls.

Check for pests.

Ants and other water-loving pests will find damp wood a very attractive place to build a nest. If you experience a sudden invasion of ants, dust post beetles, mealybugs, mealybugs, earwigs, or other water-loving pests, immediately check for wet wood. An exterminator can rid your home of these pests, but the only way to ensure they stay away is to remove damp wood and remedy the problem.

Call a licensed roofing contractor.

If your inspection reveals a lot of water damage, or an old roof that simply needs to be replaced, and if you’re not in a position to do it yourself, call a licensed roofing contractor to repair or replace your roof. Simply re-shingling the roof will not fix most roof leaks. If the roof is leaking, the most likely cause is a break in the waterproofing layer under the shingles. In that case, all the old shingles should be torn off and the waterproofing layer should be replaced, along with the shingles.

Reroofing can be expensive, so be sure to get several quotes from different contractors before selecting someone to do the job. Verify that the contractor you choose is licensed, insured, and applies for the proper city permits to perform the work. Do not allow the contractor to start work on the house if permits have not been issued, and make sure the contractor replaces all damaged wood before reroofing the house. Once the roof work is complete, ask the contractor to review proper roof maintenance with you and be sure to get a final inspection from the municipal housing authority.

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