10 tips for blogging effectively

Tip #1: Write about what you know

Your blog visitors are only interested in your blog if your blog has interesting content. Do you get intrigued on a website if the content is boring? And what better way to make content more exciting than adding content on a topic you know? If you know a lot about motorcycles, start a block about it. Topics may include changing the carburetor or redoing the chrome on the headlights. If the topic is something you know about, your writing will flow more naturally and therefore read more naturally to visitors. The content will also be more informative and intelligent.


Tip #2 – Stay on topic


Using motorcycles, your blog should not deviate from motorcycle related topics. Don’t start off by talking about the latest real estate news or golf carts. Strictly speaking on motorcycle topics. Google AdSense analyzes the keywords on your blog and uses those keywords to place ads on your blog that are relevant to the content. The goal is to get visitors to click on those ads. You want motorcycle readers to click on motorcycle-themed ads. Crossover themes, such as mixing motorcycle content with real estate and golf carts, will result in ads that cover all three or PSAs that pay nothing. Keeping the topic focused on one topic will result in relevant ads.


Tip #3: Quantity over quality?


This may seem contradictory. You want visitors to be interested in your site because the content is great. So quality is important, right? But, to attract visitors, the amount of content needs to be ample, meaning more keywords detected by search engines, which translates to higher positions in search results, right? Well, yes, they are both right. The ideal situation is a lot of high-quality content. Although this is not entirely possible all the time, you should have a lot of content on your blog because the more content, the more material can be searched for in search engines. There is a balance that must be met.


Tip #4: Recycle


The absence of bad news is good news. No news doesn’t really mean anything new to post on your blog. You don’t need to keep posting new content. That is the perfect circumstance, but there is also a lot of information available on almost every topic that has been written about on the internet. Taking that content, rephrasing it, and posting it on your blog is recycling. It’s not really new content, it just recycles old content and makes it look new. That requires some typing skill, but can be learned after practice. That way your blog will have the look and feel of new stuff and hopefully keep your visitors going in the future.


Tip #5: Post on a regular schedule.


Our posts have a written schedule, usually a “weekly update” newsletter. And guess what? We stick to that. There may not always be new content for such a release schedule, so you can use the idea of ​​recycling. While it’s hard to stick to a weekly schedule (everyone has a family), when you stick to a schedule, visitors can actually access up-to-date blog content and will return to your blog more often, increasing the likelihood of one click from AdSense.


Tip #6: Keep it clear and simple


This is more of a known audience concept. When talking about motorcycles, it’s okay to use motorcycle slang. Make your content understandable. Use words that are easy to understand and make the format easy to use. You’re speaking to a large and varied audience, and you shouldn’t require an advanced engineering degree from MIT to read a blog. We’ve seen very smart people get confused by blogs that contain simple topics because the blog was written in a confusing way, with too many words or with an odd format. The goal is to get a click, and having a confusing blog will ensure that visitors/clickers don’t come back.


Tip #7: Keywords, keywords, keywords


Google analyzes blog content not only to find relevant ads to put on the blog, but also to rank the blog in their search results. If your blog is about motorcycle repair, the keyword set “motorcycle repair” should be mentioned at least three times in each blog post. Google will look at the density of those keywords and associate your blog with motorcycle repair sites and include the blog with other motorcycle repair sites or blogs when it returns search results. This will drive traffic to your blog.


Tip #8: Check your blog for spelling and grammatical errors


All modern word processing software includes spell checkers. Many blog sites, including Blogger.com and WordPress.com, also have spell checkers. We admit we’re not the best spellers, but considering the availability of spell check tools, there’s no reason to have misspelled words on your blog. Checking grammar can be more difficult, but if you have questions, copy your blog into a word processing program and run a grammar checker. Then republish the grammatically correct blog. Having bad spelling and bad grammar shows a lack of care for your blog and, honestly, stupidity. No one wants to read a blog loaded with misspellings and bad grammar.


Tip #9: Multiple Blogs


Posting multiple blogs that increase visitor traffic and AdSense clicks. You don’t want to publish multiple blogs with the exact same content, but you can publish multiple blogs with recycled content. However, your multiple blogs of the same content should not be on the same blog site. Post one on Blogger.com and one on WordPress.com. Publish a third party on another blog site. And include a link on each blog to the others. It will increase backlinks to your site, therefore increasing page rank as well as traffic.


Tip #10: Why should I come back?


Getting a visitor to your site is great. Getting two visitors even better. Getting those two visitors to come back is great. You want repeat visitors, because they are more likely to spread the news about your blog, increasing traffic. What does it take to get repeat traffic? How about an RSS feed? Or another subscription list? It takes a combination of the tips mentioned above as well as the use of other methods mentioned on this site to drive traffic to your blog. Traffic is the only way to get clicks on your AdSense ads and you want traffic.

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