Why hiking is good for you

Hiking is a wonderful activity with many benefits. It seems to have been overlooked for helping with depression and mental health. It improves your mood, and research shows that hiking has a positive impact on fighting symptoms of stress and anxiety, says Gregory A. Miller, PhD, president of the American Hiking Society. “Being in nature is ingrained in our DNA, and sometimes we forget it.” Stress is never going to go away, so having a way to cope with it is important, “said Sara Warber, associate professor of family medicine at Warber at the University of Michigan School of Medicine. coping mechanism, the benefits are not just physical. “

Exercising outside, like going on a hike, helps give you an extra boost of self-esteem and you’ll be basking in the sun by getting vitamin D (always wear sunscreen). You can walk to relieve depressive symptoms. Which can be as good as taking an antidepressant. Your mind will be clearer. Plus, hiking supercharges creativity for two hours afterward, says Huffpost Healthy Living’s “13 Mental Health Benefits of Exercise.” The next time you need some inspiration, take a walk or jog.

Hiking can be a more interesting exercise due to the difference in trails, terrain, and seasons. This will keep you motivated to exercise. You can walk alone or in groups. Groups prove to be an additional stress reliever as they can be entertaining. If you are one of those people who is intimidated in gyms or afraid of people looking at you there, hiking is “your ticket.” Walking in the forest, only nature is watching you … where there are fewer people and you are communicating with nature, you can be alone.

Exercise in general can decrease insomnia and also lead to better mental health. Hiking increases your happiness because you are one with nature and you are synchronizing with the rhythms of nature. Getting a hike up a big hill or mountain can seem more definitive than a workout at the gym.

Since there are many levels of trails to ride, you can easily increase your fitness level by taking increasingly demanding trails. Walking uphill equates to the number of calories used for jogging, hence even more training, greater weight loss, and better insulin resistance. This form of exercise puts pressure on your bones and lowers your chances of getting osteoporosis. Because hiking is a cardiovascular exercise, it reduces the chance of heart disease. For a muscular physique, hike on rough terrain like cross-country hiking.

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