The Inogen One G2 Portable Oxygen Concentrator For Sale

Inogen One G2 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

One of the most useful medical equipment for the caregivers is the Inogen One G2 Portable Oxygen Concentrator. This product is used in the field of oral surgery and it has been certified by the American Oral Therapy Association and the American Association of Anatomists. The product is very useful for those who are working in a very humid and low oxygen environments and this can help them treat their patients more safely.

portable oxygen concentrator for sale

The process that is used to measure the amount of oxygen in the patient’s blood is known as the osmotic pressure. This technology has been used in the medical field for a long time but is only recently that it has been developed and released into the market as an air concentrator. The concentrator is not only used for oral applications but it can also be used to administer pure oxygen to patients with respiratory disorders. The process which is involved in this is rather simple and involves placing a cannula into the patient’s nose and injecting a very small amount of air.

The Inogen One G2 can provide patients with up to five hours of pure oxygen therapy within a thirty minute treatment time. It comes with a probe that is attached to the cannula and this allows the clinician to obtain a reading on the amount of oxygen in the blood. This is then compared to a normal room atmosphere to determine how much oxygen is being absorbed by the body tissues. This is a very sensitive test that measures the amount of oxygen which is being absorbed into the blood. If the concentration is too low then the patient will not get enough oxygen while if the concentration is high then the patient may feel light headed or unsteady.

The Inogen One G2 Portable Oxygen Concentrator For Sale

The Inogen One G2 portable oxygen concentrator can be used in many different applications where the oxygen therapy is required. Hospitals use this particular type of concentrator quite often as a part of their oxygen treatments as it is easy to operate and more reliable than other similar devices. Many people use these types of concentrators in their homes as they can be easily transported and positioned wherever they are needed.

A hospital usually uses these types of concentrators in cardiac care units where patients are frequently ventilated. Another use which is widely used is in special emergency situations such as a patient having inhaling car exhaust. In these cases a portable oxygen concentrator is used which is able to measure the amount of oxygen in the patient’s blood so that the exact amount of oxygen is given to the person. As medical conditions are often a contributing factor to the need for oxygen, it is often beneficial to know how much oxygen is being absorbed by the body. In this case the Inogen One G2 concentrator is able to give a more accurate reading than other devices as it has a patented sensor that only releases its measured results when a change has occurred in the patient’s oxygen levels. This makes it far easier for doctors and nurses to provide treatment.

A concentrator like the Inogen One G2 is relatively inexpensive, although this may not necessarily be a factor for some individuals. Portable concentrators can also differ in size and weight, which may mean that they may not be the best option for some individuals. It is important to take into consideration the level of expertise when deciding if a concentrator would be the right choice. The size and weight should also be taken into consideration as you may need to carry the unit when working in different environments. The price should however not be considered as an important factor and many consumers find that they end up paying less in the long run due to their low price.

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